Ch.90 | A New Goal

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A/n: Another arc no one asked for!

A/n: Do you think Aizen's last name is Sosuke or Aizen? Pls tell me so I can use the proper name -- it's kinda driving me insane. 

A/n: I don't own any of the songs used in this fic, or the images, or the universes... you know the drill. 

A/n: You might wonder why I didn't show the stats of everyone other than the last boss in this arc -- this is because I didn't want the chapter to be all stats-screens written down.


Y/n's POV:

The streets were as dirty as always, you'd think that with magical devils looking after this territory they'd be a lot cleaner. I mean it wasn't like I couldn't clean all of it using a simple spell, but I felt too lazy to draw the rune arrays and then set the precise boundaries of the city, it's a whole ten seconds of my time I didn't feel like using... 'Wait, is this how they feel too?' I questioned, putting a hand on my chin before narrowing my eyes, 'Would this make me as bad as Rias and Sona?' The thought alone made it enough. 

I snapped my finger and several Fae runes flew from the palm of my hands, they floated about for exactly three seconds before the runes exploded, traveling at every corner of the street while simultaneously hiding from civilian view. I snapped my other hand's fingers and then felt a blink of light which lasted less than microseconds.

I smugly grinned, looking at a clock near me, "Exactly 10 seconds," I said, nodding to my work. It was incredibly quiet, it was eery, but my eyes couldn't see anything wrong with anything, I couldn't feel anything be altered. It was as if all noise surrounding me had been extinguished.

I stopped and looked around, 'There's only been one place I've been to that has been this quiet.'

I blinked -- usually not much happens when you blink... usually you don't die from blinking. 

'White void...'

"DID I FUCKING DIE!?" I questioned, putting both hands on my head.

"No... you didn't..." A familiar voice told me, it seemed tired and dry as if it'd stayed up for days without resting. I turned my head and there he was, the cosmic asshole who I scammed out of some quick wishes.

"If I haven't died, and you've brought me here, you're either feeling generous and giving me shit for cleaning up after your fuck up all that time back, or --"

"I need your assistance"

"There it fucking is, you're aware I killed a reincarnation with the capability of destroying a multiverse for you right? You COULD give me some awesome reward for it... preferably something of my choosing."

"I gave you a mythical loot crate! What else do you expect from me?!" God asked, he looked pretty angry, rubbing the bridge of his nose. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"You can't trick me like before -- we both know what you've been doing, a hollow I had 100% killed appearing in my mind and consuming my rationality? Who could've done that but you?"  asked, crossing my arms, "I mean, how'd it affect [Gamer's Mind] to begin with?"

"It wasn't me," he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms -- he wasn't in Tite Kubo's form this time -- in front of me stood a black haired mid-aged man who looked tired with life, standing in the white void with some drool spilling from the corner of his lips, "I could've done it -- honestly you deserve a little something, the other gods are laughing at me."

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now