Ch. 103 | Preventing a Tree

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I might have been a clone, but there had to be a limit on how much you were allowed to stress a clone out before they gained sentience and left...

"Shadow clones are so debuffed, if this was an entire biological clone I could just up and leave," I sighed and put both hands behind my back. The Sage Energy battery in my heart, the thing keeping me alive despite not being given energy from the original didn't give me independence. If the original ever felt like it, I could disappear into nothingness.

As a clone, I resigned myself to that fate. As Aizen Y/n, I looked at any possible solutions to this problem... it was difficult though, constructing a Gigai body and then transferring my soul to it didn't work because my soul would disappear with the shadow clone. The only solution I could find was to make a clone independent of the original and transfer all my memories to it, but then I just created more problems.

The questioning and paranoid nature of Aizen Y/n would simply have it ask if it was alive or not... which would most likely lead to an identity crisis that would rebel against the original and everyone else.

My goal was to have freedom and to chill out elsewhere, not to rebel against someone clearly stronger than I was. There were several things the original had which the clones did not. Some of these include: His arsenal of noble phantasms, soul bound items and more, his unique classes and traits, such as Lucky Fucker and Gambler. On top of that the stats of the clones he made were always lower than his own in case of said rebellion.

At the same time, Prime Y/n lets us roam free and do whatever because he knows that the thing we despise more than anything is a lack of freedom and to be tied down. Because we were the same person, I could tell that the original was planning a solution for this problem. He was seeing if it was possible to give complete independence to a shadow clone.

I stopped in my thoughts, since when did I think about things that much? Being far from the original was making me question things more often. I sighed and put both hands behind my back. I looked around.

I was in a dense forest. I could sense several different presences coming from all around me. I couldn't tell if they were enemies or not. The original most likely could tell with ease, but I didn't have the same skills as him. I was one of the earlier clones created. The early clones all focused on different skill-sets with the goal of evolving skills so when we popped Y/n Prime could get stronger. I evolved Quincy-based skills.

The forest was dense enough for me to already be lost. I would jump up and use a Reishi Platform to look for a way out, but something told me that it wouldn't be a good idea, and I was going to trust my instincts if anything.

"Come to me," Tatsuki's voice came from inside the forest. I deadpanned at the clear siren's cry. Something was trying to lure me into a trap. It was funny to me, after all, they used her voice unwillingly--they would not have used it otherwise, since Tatsuki doesn't exist in this world. I rolled my shoulder and closed my eyes. Ribbons appeared surrounding me, it was a lesser form of Reiryoku sensing, but it was perfect for things like this.

Using Nen and combining it with Ribbon Reiryoku Sensing one could distinguish people from their voice. How was this done? Simple.

Utilizing Nen and fusing it with Reiryoku sensing, one could use Nen Vows, by restricting Reiryoku sensing to just using ribbons one could create filters which allows for better investigation. A piece of hair, voice, their general appearance in my mind, as long as I had anything pertaining that person they could be tracked with the ribbons.

I watched as one of the white ribbons in front of me turned green. I grabbed it, and it stretched, highlighting a path for me to follow. Of course, I wasn't stupid enough to follow said path; I barely won against that giant from before.

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