Ch.5| Oregon

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

[+1 in AGI for running beyond your limits!], [+1 AGI due to [Paragon] skill!]

I think I finally managed to get away from them. I looked around and didn't see anyone. 'Phew.' I sighed in relief as I sat down on a tree nearby. Being here is bad for both my mental and physical health. I need to get out of Italy. I don't want the church involving themselves with me at all.

I was about to raise my arm to do an instant dungeon when something grabbed it, something cold and heavy. 'Shackles?' I asked myself looking at the object which had taken a hold of my arm. Something pulled on it making me stumble towards the side the chains were coming from. 

[User's Ki and Mp have been sealed]

I grimaced looking at the message. "Well, finding you wasn't as hard as I thought it would be." I heard someone say from my right. From the trees a person holding the chains attached to my shackles came forwards. It was a woman with chestnut brown hair and green eyes. She was around the same as Griselda and the glint in her eyes really didn't make me any more comfortable.

"But what could I expect from a kid?" She asked walking towards me and holding my hands. The shackles reduce in size making it look more like a bracelet. 'Welllllll shiieeeeeet' I thought looking at the shackle on my right wrist. The woman forcibly took my hand and tried to push me, however I had 25 in my STR stat and wasn't gonna let myself be kidnapped yet! 

I tugged on the shackles not allowing myself to be captured so easily. I tried to get away as much as possible, I struggled to run away as it took great efforts to take one step away from my spot due to both me and the lady making an effort, she trying to keep me in place and me trying to run away. "You are quite strong for your age." She said as I kept trying to run away. 

"Oh, you are quite the strong one." She complimented as I continued to try to get away. "Too bad you aren't strong enough" She said tugging on the chains making me fall on the floor on my but. I felt something pick me up and saw I was on the woman's arms. 'NOOOOOooo!' I thought as I tried to move but nothing happened.

[User has been inflicted with paralysis status]

'Ah fuck!' I thought looking at the timer on the paralysis. '... TWO FUCKING DAYS!?' I yelled worried looking at the amount of time it would take for this drug to leave my body. "That's it, good boy. Stay nice and quiet" She said putting my forehead on her neck and forcing me to wrap my arms around her. 

To many we probably looked like a mother and her child walking around the streets. I looked around and saw the item I needed in the shop. 

[Does user want to buy Paralysis Heal?]


I mentally pressed yes as if my life depended on it and then mentally pressed consume through my inventory which I hadn't used since I arrived here. 'I don't really use this anymore' I thought looking at my inventory and seeing two items I didn't have in there before. A letter and something called a memory orb. 'Alright, that's some sketchy shit right there' I thought closing the inventory.

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now