Ch.97 | Battle Prep

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The people in the scouts were annoying, they kept glaring at me and staring intently as I did basically anything. I had revealed many of my capabilities to Levi and Erwin, not all of course. The full capabilities of Nen and magecraft were never touched, mostly because it disadvantaged me if the enemy could read minds in a huge area of effect.

While I was surrounded by others was the only time where Levi could get back at me for my insubordination. Thanks to all the limitations I set for myself, I couldn't fight back against him... although I considered it.

Though I couldn't completely kick his ass, I was able to annoy him, and I am the master of annoying people! Ask god!

Levi thought he could just order me around with no backlash! So instead of cleaning the entire house, I would clean and hide the dust and then make it disappear. How?! SIMPLE!

It took me a little while, but by using Transmuter I could have Nen act like wind, and then all I had to do was amplify it and use Manipulator to control the wind currents made from my Nen. When Levi came into a room I would sweep all of the dust using wind, and then manipulate it so it all went where he was looking. Using nen restrictions I made it easier to clean dust. By making it so it was only able to clean dust, nen transformed into something that would clean it absolutely perfectly!

Just like now.

"Y/N! GET YOUR ASS HERE!" I grinned, walking to where he was. He pointed his finger at the empty room full of dust while staring at me. Grabbing my collar -- something that probably took quite a bit of effort -- he glared, "WERE YOU NOT TAUGHT HOW TO CLEAN OR SOMETHING?!"

I put my pinky finger inside my ear and used wind discretely to clean it and fly all the dust up before stashing it all inside my inventory. "I have no idea what you are speaking of, it looks clean to me." He turned around and the room was cleaner than a whistle. He turned back to me and widened his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Maybe you need some rest, your eyes must be tired from all the titan fighting... want me to help you?"

For those around us, it probably sounded like me being a cheeky fuck -- partly because it was me being a cheeky fuck. However, only Levi understood the underlying message. 'That's right Levi, I can make all the dust in this house be erased from existence! But I don't! I had the power to clean this house all along! I cleaned it, and I can make it dirty by just applying thought!'

"You monster," he whispered as I let go of his shoulder and turned around. I snapped my finger, and let all the dust return to its room. "YOU MONSTER!!!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at my power. Then, when I reached my room, I fell to my knees and struck the ground while grunting. It was like I had just seen clarity. Not unlike post-nut clarity, I clenched my fist and realized my wasted efforts.

"Did I just develop a whole ass nen technique for cleaning fucking dust!? What the fuck is wrong with me?! I could have developed an insanely helpful nen ability and I made one for dust... fucking dust!"

I wallowed in my idiocy before finally taking a deep breath and sitting down. I had to work on my preparation for the future fight with the traveler, and I knew exactly how I was going to prepare. I closed my eyes and felt my mana circuits come to life. My mental trigger was a match being lit, and it worked pretty well.

I focused the OD in my hands and molded it to form a shape. From my hands came a small sword. I was easily able to recreate skills I had in the past by remembering how they worked, even if it wasn't in detail.

[Congratulations! You have gained the skill [Tracing] without the help of the system]

[+1 Wis]

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