Ch.87 | Dracian and Ithy vs Poeder

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A/n: Do I even need a key at this point? The recommended song above: Bleach OST 4 #14 Pleasures Of Combat


"Damn it, why do I have to do all this bullshit?" Dracian said, openly picking his nose while staring at the hollow who scoffed. 

"Your connection with this body and soul has been cut Pest, you no longer grow from my strength" replied Poder cockily waving his hand, egging Dracian to come and fight him. Dracian's smirk was clear as day. He disappeared from view, and before anyone could process what had happened Poder was on the ground with Dracian's boot on his face as the back of his head crashed against the ground. Several motes of golden energy dissipated in the air as Poder's Susanoo defense crumbled in front of everyone. 

"Do I look like I need your shitty power?" asked Dracian twisting his foot on Poder's face, "Make sure to get a good lick, I'm pretty sure I stepped on dragon shit on my way here," he said disappearing from view and repeating next to Ithy. 

"Must you always be so vulgar?" Ithy questioned, extending her hand. A katana materialized in blue light. 

"How can we help?" asked Naruto, getting up while panting. 

"Stand back ya weaklings," Dracian said, putting both his arms forwards as two white bone-like gauntlets appeared on his hands reaching to his forearms, "You're no use in this fight."

"The hell did you say?!" Sasuke yelled, getting up while using his sword as a crutch. 

"What he means is that you all will only get on our way," Ithy said, unsheathing her blade and throwing the sheath away, "Sit back and let us take care of this."

"Let big hollow daddy and Quincy-Soul momma take of this." Dracian punched the palm of his hand, the sheer force from the collision sent shockwaves across the void, shaking the ground below them. 

"You gained a power-up, so what?" asked the Hollow, getting up from the ground and cracking his neck, "It won't be enough to beat me," he said narrowing his eyes.

'The hell was that punch, my precognition clearly showed my Susanoo armor stopping it,' thought Poder seeing as Dracian grinned, 'What kind of power did this leach get this time?'

"Well, let's get this beat down on the road," Dracian disappeared again. Poder reinforced his Susanoo armor and brought his hands up. 

'There's no way he's getting past this defense!' thought Poder, grinning as he looked at Dracian's foot hit the spectral armor, cracking it, and breaking it. His foot was stopped by Poder's forearms which tanked the hit. Poder's eyes, although widened still held the cockiness from before.

"Ha! You can't even get over my defense, the hell are you gonna do now!" he yelled as Dracian grinned. 

"The hell are you talking about?" he asked. Poder felt pain in his legs, he looked to the other side and saw another Dracian next to him, one Dracian on each side, both of which punched Poder on the head, smashing it in before kicking him on the stomach and sending him flying, "Your defense is exactly like a used condom." 

Dracian turned around and with the corner of his eyes looked at Ithy, who shooked her head, making him turn back towards Poder who got up and glared at Dracian. 

"Oh my god, your face looks so deformed!" yelled Dracian, laughing as he pointed at Poder's face which had been mangled, his chin had been broken and spun as his teeth pierced the inside of his cheek while his nose was twisted and purple, "Man, I am so glad you're using the brat's body, I've been meaning to settle our score."

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