Chapter 3

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Klaus pov

She's becoming suspicious. I knew it wouldn't last long. She can't not know that Damon's blood wasn't the one who made her a vampire. What will she do when she finds out that it was me who gave her blood to keep her alive? Elena didn't know I was still in mystic falls and when I heard Elena was dying I had to save her. Not just because I needed her for blood but part of me cares for her and I'm pretty sure one of my brothers likes her more so Elijah. Except the only problem is her abilities and emotions are more heightened as of original blood and wolf blood. And she's killed someone so she's triggered the wood side. Fuck what am I supposed to tell her.

"Brother are you alright" I turn around to face Elijah.

"I did this to her brother, I should've let her die but I just couldn't. Now she's triggered the wolf side. What am I supposed to tell her? Elijah please tell me what to do, I can't bear to watch her suffer. A full moon is in 2 days we don't have much time and when the Salvatore's come looking for her they will end up dead" I yell.

Elijah puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Niklaus I will get a witch to put a cover spell on her so then the Salvatore's can't find her, and she doesn't need to know about your the blood giver just yet we will tell her but she needs to control first and it's going to take more than 4 days especially with the wolf side" Elijah reassures me. Elijah puts his arm around me and I accept it and put my arm around him.

"Let Elena become family Klaus she brings out the good side of you but let her learn control before we tell her that she's a hybrid" Elijah says. I let go of him and nod.

"I'm going out for a drink, I might ask Elena if she wants to come as she needs more blood then she has already had" I say. I walk past Elijah and return to my siblings and Elena.

Elena is sitting there with Kol and Rebekah talking about mystic falls. That place was okay but so much goes on there that you don't know where to go.

"I'm going out for a late night drink, Elena would you care to join me?" I ask hoping for her to say yes.

"I am feeling kinda petty ish so sure why not, but we have to be back before the sunrise otherwise a pile of ash, and let me change into some other clothes first" she responds. 

The night is cold and I can see Elena is slightly cold even though she is a hybrid. I take off my leather jacket and put it around Elena's arms. "Klaus, why did you ask me to come with you tonight?" She asks. Why because I know you're going to end up drinking like crazy and the urges are bad oh and I'm partly drawn to you. Ugh why did this have to be so hard.

"You're a new vampire your bloodlust is harder to control, plus I thought I could help you with the bloodlust unless you want to run back to my brother" I end up coming off as rude and I see Elena a little hurt. "I'm sorry Elena I didn't mean to come across rude, I just want to help" I apologise. Elena's face lifts and she walks closer to me. She pushes me up against a wall and snares at me.

"Don't ever tell me what I should and shouldn't do, do I make myself clear" she pressures me harder on the wall using lots of her strength.

"Yes," I answered. She realises me except her face is starting to turn again. A blonde girl walks past and stops near us. I make my way to the girl and stop in front of her.

"Stay quiet and you won't remember any of this" I compel. I lead the girl into the spot Elena and I are at and move the girl's hair away from her neck. I bite into the blonde's neck and gulp down the sweet blood. I lift the fangs from her neck and look up at Elena who is eager to drink. "Have some" I say to her. Elena comes over to the other side of the blonde and sharply but hesitantly bites into the girl's neck. I bite back into the neck and we suck on the girl. I see Elena forcefully hold onto the girl. I need to drop her otherwise she'll kill the girl. I get off the girl and try to pull Elena off the girl. "Elena stop, you will kill her Love!" I exclaim. I normally wouldn't care if the girl would die but Elena is vulnerable to any sort of death. Elena doesn't seem to hear me so I rip her off the neck. The body drops to the floor and Elena snares and shows her fangs to me. "Let me feed," she pushes. I hold her tight as she shoves and tries to push away. "Elena," I shout at her. I see her face stop frozen. The monster inside of her fades away.

"I'm sorry" her voice cracks and trembles. "I lost control again, I almost killed her," she trembles.

"There's still one more thing you have to do" I tell her. I bring her down to the blonde and let Elena bite her wrist. Elena's eyes flare up again at the blonde but I hold her back from attacking. I move Elena's wrist to the girl's mouth and let the girl latch onto Elena's wrist. Elena pulls away after a minute. She looks broken. The girl rises from the ground and walks away.

"I don't want to be like Stefan who can't control his hunger, but then I don't want to be like Damon who can control it but then decides not to," she explains. I can see the struggle that Damon and Stefan have put her through.

"You're nothing like them, Elena you're strong and a beautiful woman" I remind her. Our eyes are locked into one making this an unsure moment of what to do. I want to lean in and kiss her but that would be wrong of me. I stand from the ground and hold a hand out to Elena. She takes it and we walk back to the compound.

Elena Pov

I'm sitting on my bed in the room that is now mine looking through my missed calls and messages from Damon and Stefan. Damon. My phone says with him calling me. I can't ignore him forever. 

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