Chapter 33

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Yes there is something on my mind but wasn't in the mood to explain it all to my brother. I want to know why Elena's pregnancy has sped up, I want to know what is causing her sleep to be troubled. I returned to see my family, to help my mate with the baby but also to make up for my mistakes of the past. Klaus Mikaelson is thinking like a softy but I sure won't let that part of me out all the time. Elena understands vulnerability which is why she is my weakness. Yet she was once my greatest treasure and pray. I want to keep all my guards up on her but she seems to keep breaking them down. Or I put them up too much that causes her to be out of my reach. London had given me time to think everything through but still the same thoughts eat at me. I tortured the girl I claim to love. I took so much from her to only give her human wish to her. I know that I am not Mikeal but what happens if I act like him as a father? Being brought up the way I did could be frustrating. Fighting over Tatia with Elijah all those years ago to now end up with one of Tatia's doppelgangers. Hundreds of years of mistakes and memories still cause me not to sleep at night. I could see the way Elena looked at her family from Mystic Falls. She misses them more than any of us knew, she doesn't want to live there but I can see the fear in her. The fear of everything you touch dies. I guess her and I have that in common.

I woke up feeling as if I had a hangover. My head pounding and the sound of Kol and Rebekah arguing. Don't they realise that some of us would like to sleep without noise. I manage to make my way to my bathroom to rinse the shower water. The steaming hot water falls on my skin waking me up but only to make my headache hurt more. I forcefully turn off the shower and find some clothes to wear. Casual plain black top with jeans. I open the door of my room to the sound of arguing.

"Dear sister, if you don't shut that mouth of yours I'll shut it for you" I warn Rebekah as I move into the kitchen for blood coated coffee. With the coffee I take painkillers for this wicked headache. It's not late enough for Elena to be awake given that it's only 8am. From what Elijah has told me Elena usually wakes up anywhere from 10-11. The days where I could sleep in were truly nice. Shame that doesn't happen much anymore.

I walk back out to the main area to see Rebekah and Kol now settled. "Niklaus thank you for making the noise go away, my ears aren't bleeding now" I laugh at Elijah's remark as we both take a seat on the couch giving Rebekah the time to roll her eyes. "Nik you better leave sooner rather than later, you have money to spend" God Rebekah really is in an annoying mood this morning. I completely ignore her and take another sip of my coffee. "I don't know Elena's size, if you have forgotten she is pregnant her size keeps changing" I state the obvious to my sister feeling pested by her. I love Rebekah dearly but she can be a real pain in the ass.

"Elena is awake and yet it's early for her" Kol reports. I listen carefully to hear that Kol is right. Elena curses from inside of her room then it changes. I slam my mug on the table and speed up to Elena's room. I rush into her room to see a ripped dress on the floor and the sound of Elena vomiting. Her bathroom door is locked shut so I can't reach her. "Love unlock the door" I request except the only answer is more sounds of her vomiting. I stand by the bathroom door until it unlocks. She's bigger. Her stomach has gotten bigger. Elena isn't huge but still reasonably big. Elena moves past me and sits on her bed. "I was up earlier, way earlier and I had a shower but then only found out that the dress I wanted to wear doesn't fit so that's how that happened" Her explanation on a piece of clothing is the hormones talking. "I think it's time you start wearing more maternity clothes love," I try to be reasonable even knowing the look on her face is becoming red. "I'm only four months pregnant and I'm the size of a whale!" she overdramatized. Wait, I thought she was only 2 and a half months pregnant. Something is off.

"You're not a whale just yet, you're still beautiful Elena even with a bit of extra weight" compliments are a dangerous thing with Elena at the moment but what else am I supposed to say? "UGH, HOW DARE YOU CALL ME FAT" she yells. I walk away from my pissed off mate and leave her to be. Hopefully not too many clothes are ripped to shreds.

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