Chapter 20

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"I know the last time I was here I was out of line, I went on a bad bender of blood and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I can see how happy you are here" Wait what? This apology I wasn't expecting.

"It's okay I get it, it's been rough for all of us some more than others but what I'm glad you came" I honestly answered. Besides Matt, Stefan was my epic love than Damon. But Klaus it's different. He's my mate I guess. "I know I heard another heartbeat before but I was surprised to figure out that it's coming from you, even now I hear it" I knew this was coming but why now? I wish I wasn't doing this alone. Telling Stefan the person who hates Klaus the most that I'm carrying Klaus's child. "I don't understand how but I know you're pregnant. Elena is this part the reason you left Mystic Falls. Is it Damon or I?" This just keeps getting better and better. So Stefan thinks it's his or Damon's, great it's going to go down real well when I say no. "I haven't told the others and wasn't planning on telling anyone else until later. Stefan the baby isn't yours nor is Damon's" I confront. I wanted to tell my brother first out of everyone.

"Who's the father Elena?" Stefan's voice is more stern which frightens me for the reaction. I can't do this now.

"You will know, just not now and please can you not mention this to the others" I beg. I can't risk them all leaving me when Christmas is only three well two and a half days away.

Stefan nods with me in agreement and joins the others.

Why can't you just come back?

"Elena, I overheard your conversation. I'm sorry. We will all have your back when you tell them. He most likely won't pick up but call him. You know you want and need to." Rebekah always listening comes with the good side of things. She's right, I want to call him even if he doesn't answer.

"Can you just let the others know I'll be there in a minute?" I request. I go back up to my room and close my door shut.

I know that he won't answer but it's still worth a shot. I put the phone to my ear to only reach his voicemail. A voicemail will have to do.

"I knew that you wouldn't answer my call but I'm still saying this all. Thank you for bringing my family into your home. Thank you for going out of your way to make me happy by granting my Christmas wish. Klaus I miss you, I know we left things badly but I want to move past it all. I need you in this child's life. You left me making tomorrow a month. Do you know how much I tried to heal and forget you but I couldn't! GOD DAMN IT KLAUS I LOVE YOU! THERE I SAID IT I KNOW WHAT I FEEL MATING BOND OR NOT I LOVE YOU! We're going to fight but you're not the monster you once were and if you love me like your siblings tell me you do then you will come home" I end the voicemail and pull myself together. If he doesn't return by Christmas then I know my answer. Now I need to go see my family.

I walk into the room to see everyone rather getting along. No one is trying to kill each other. "This is something new, no one is dead or trying to kill each other. I could get used to this" I mock as I sit down.

"Well we've all adjusted to the fact of where you're living" Jeremy has grown up so much in two months. Time flies. "Where's Matt and Tyler?" I notice and ask. Caroline's face drops.

"They love you so much but they still haven't moved past everything that happened. They were given plane tickets and could still come but we don't know" Caroline explains. I guess that's understandable. Tyler I understand the most though. Matt hates vampires and was with Rebekah for a short amount of time so I guess I can understand that. "So Elena I was thinking that now that we're in town you could show us around this beautiful city at some point. Like tomorrow or the next day, Oh and Bonnie and I only" Caroline suggests. It would be nice to have some girl time with Caroline and Bonnie but maybe not tomorrow considering what I'll have to tell them tonight most likely. "Yeah that sounds great Care," I haven't seen these people in so long that I don't know what to say.

"So Ric is there a special someone yet that I should be knowing about" The lastime Alaric was with someone it was Jenna. Ric rolls his eyes at my question. "If you must no, no there is not but Damon has kept me company with a bottle at the bar" I look over to Damon who winks at me. Classic Damon and Alaric. Nice to know some things haven't changed. They all seemed good. Happy. Elijah eyes me over outside of the room to follow him out. "Excuse me I'll be back in just a moment just going to help Elijah with dinner" I come up with and follow Elijah out of the room.

I follow Elijah into the kitchen where food is cooking. "What's up Elijah?'' I worry.

"Nothing is wrong Lovely Elena, I wanted to let you know that Rebekah has re-stocked up on blood supply but also fresh blood from the vein. Her and Kol pulled some strings but managed to get some, but I thought maybe you would like to have some before dinner and to help with the cravings" he informs. Six months ago I was afraid of these people. Now I'm drinking their blood supply. Elijah pulls out a blood bag from the stash. Except on the bag it says humans donated. Rebekah and Kol went to a blood donation to get blood. I take small sips of the blood so I don't throw it back up. I hand the bag back to Elijah and clean myself up. "Here I'll help you serve up dinner" I say starting to dish the overload of food onto the certain plates and trays. With what I can carry in my hands I take plates and trays to the enormous sized table in the larger dining room. I pop a bottle of champagne and line glasses up pouring each one. I had helped with desserts for Christmas but I was unaware of this set up. When I look back at all the plated food on the table it astounds me. To think Klaus Mikaelson would allow my family into his home. Maybe that is a sign of how he feels?

I watch as all faces are blown away by the sight of the food as my Mystic Falls gang enters the room. "Oh My God, Elena can I come and live with you if this is the sort of food you get" Caroline surprisingly squeals. Even as a human Caroline loved big setups and a vampire it only grew more. I take a seat at the head of the table watching the seating places. No dinner drama tonight I beg to think. Instead of the champagne I have what looks like red wine but is blood with some sort of juice. A little mocktail Kol conjures up for me every now and then. No one holds back on what food they take. I take half of what they all have. I wasn't just feeding myself but a child inside me who doesn't want her mother to keep the food down for her. The smiles and laughter on all of their faces bring happy tears to my eyes. I don't want to wreck these moments with big news. Tomorrow I will tell them. It's a perfect moment and I haven't seen them in a while. "What I don't get is that Klaus himself came to us giving us plane tickets but isn't here himself" Damon states. If only I could answer that question.

"My brother is on rather important business matters and unaware of when returning home" Elijah answers. If only that was the truth.

"So how's life being a hybrid Elena?" Jeremy casually asks. I almost spit out my drink on his question. I give him a puzzled look. "Don't worry we were told when Klaus came to town plus Bonnie and Caroline couldn't hold it back after a while" Jeremy adds. Caroline and Bonnie give me a stupid guilty look. "It has its perks and downfalls but I don't mind it. Oh when in wolf form it's amazing but the bone breaking ouch" I never thought I would be answering that question to my brother but I did. There have been so many surprises tonight. The big surprise was going to be the bad one though on my behalf. 

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