Chapter 31

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I feel my eyes flutter open with my head pounding. "Marcel" I called out to see no one standing around. Marcel comes into my sight and sits on the edge of the couch. "Would this be another reason you came here due to whatever just happened" he concerns. I sit up slowly from lying down with my head pounding. "I'll explain only if you have aspirin" I deal. Marcel leaves my side and comes back holding a glass of water and two aspirin tablets. I take them from him and swallow them with the water.

"I've been having these flashbacks. I guess you would call them. Except this time it was a flashback and like a premonition slightly. I've been getting them on and off thinking it's just an effect of the pregnancy but it's only happened while I'm asleep" . "I know that Davina used to feel as if she was seeing things a while ago which is why I wanted to talk to you about this" I explain.

"I myself think that it may have something to do with the pregnancy but I am not 100% sure. Davina is already on her way over, I called her as soon as you passed out" Marcel is a true gentleman. He isn't rational from what I've witnessed. He looked out for Davina and still does, treating her like she's his daughter. "Um, I also drank six whole blood bags last night," I add.

"Remember Elena, you're also feeding your baby as well as yourself" Marcel seems to know a lot about pregnancy which surprises me. He would've been an amazing father. Him and Rebekah together would've made amazing parents.

Davina arrived 15 minutes later asking Marcel a bunch of questions. Marcel had explained to her what had happened as well as me explaining it to her myself. "Has the bond in any sort of way felt different at all?" she adds on to her questions. "When Klaus was getting closer to returning I felt his presence more and more and when he returned it was stronger than it was before. Last night I drank from him and felt a wash of past memories float into my head just like they did when I felt him returning." I answer.

"May I?'' Davina checks pointing at my stomach. I nod in return pulling my blouse up.

"Marcel, do you have any lavender and vervain?" The moment she said vervain my stomach clenched. Marcel comes back with a pair of gloves on holding lavender and vervain. "This is going to burn a bit," she warns, placing the two herbs on my stomach.

The vervain creates a loud scream to arrupt from me. I grab onto Marcel's hand and squeeze it. The burning stops from the vervain but Davina still chants. The herbs on my stomach break down and become nothing but a tiny essence. Davina opens her eyes and wipes off the essences. "It would seem to be that the baby has had a growth spurt due to Klaus's blood and the stronger connection of the mating bond. Elena, you're about 4 months pregnant now. Your stomach will grow in the next few hours and a day's time. As for the flashbacks and premonition; I can sense that you've been compelled and the baby is rejecting your body to completely forget. The premonition I believe is maybe something to do with the new abilities and there is also something going on with the baby that I haven't figured out yet. If you want to know the gender let me know and I'll come by and see you" Davina unravels.

I'm already 4 months pregnant! "Thank you Davina, at some stage this week I will let you know as of the gender. On this note no word to Klaus or the others" I firmly say.

"Elena, they're going to notice that your stomach when it gets bigger, plus whoever compelled you should either uncompell you or even it out by giving their blood to you. For the baby's sake" Davina sternly answers.

"I will do so in time, Thank you for the help Davina" I say again. Marcel walks Davina out leaving me for a moment to think.

Davina pov

"Marcel, that childs aurora I sensed was powerful. Magical in a sense too." I tell him instead of Elena. Elena is under enough stress right now she doesn't need to know this just yet.

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