Untitled Part 26

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Stefan pov

There's a loud slam from the door as I race down the stairs.


"Lexi" I gasp. Lexi moves past me and into the lounge. She pours two glasses of bubon and sits down.

How is this even possible?

"I have a limited time here so this is what's going to happen Stefan. You're going to sit your ass down and explain to me how you can be a real ass to the girl you claim you love. I know what you did, spirits talk" She briefs. So Lexi knows about everything with Elena. This would be Elena's doing to send Lexi here with the help of Bonnie. I grab the glass of bourbon off her and sit on the other couch in front of her. "I was mad. Elena slept with the one person I hate the most besides Katherine. Then I find out she's pregnant with his child and that he's her mate. When I look at her I see betrayal so I snapped, I am supposed to be her mate not Klaus" I explain. Lexi is making faces with what I'm saying and hits back her drink.

"You know what Stefan. I think you just don't like the fact that she's happy with him and not with you. You hated when Elena was with Damon but you started to move on but as soon as she is finally happy you have to take it away from her or should I say make her feel guilty. Stefan mates are a rare thing and I'm surprised by the outcome but you shouldn't have done what you did to Elena." Lexi is like a counselor when we have serious conversations. Even when she is dead she is still looking out for me.

"I know Lexi, but I need time to process and wrap my head around this, one day I want to be in her life and the childs" I tell her.

"Okay next topic; this blood issue needs to stop! I'm not going to be around to clean up your mess so stop making the same mistakes. You're over a 100 year old vampire, prove to Elena and your own brother the man you're so that you can be in her life. In other words, get your shit together!" she shouts when talking about blood. Lexi has been there through the worst of my blood benders and has gotten me out of all of them. "So where do we start?" I ask knowing she will want an input. "I'll test you like I did last time and then we can drink bourbon until I have to leave, sounds good?" She explains. Great this is going to be torture.

I wasn't wrong when I thought torture. I'm chained to a chair in one of the cells. Lexi puts blood in my face and each time to see how much I can resist it. Then the burning of the vervain if I can't resist it. Simple torture method but hurts like hell! It takes a while until I am able to pull myself together and we drink.

I haven't seen my best friend in so long and I won't see her again after tonight.

When the night darkens Lexi smiles at me. "Goodbye Stefan" I smile at her as I say "Goodbye Lexi". In a blink of an eye she is gone. I can't be Rippah Stefan. I need to be the best friend Lexi knows.

Elena pov

Bonnie received word that Lexi went well with Stefan which reassured me to be settled for this dinner. I tighten my black heels and flatten out my red dress. I look at myself in the mirror to see how nice I turned out for tonight. I walk over to my door and turn the knob. "Remember to breathe Elena" I think to myself. I open the door and close it as I walk out. All eyes are on me as I walk into the lounge. "You look beautiful Elena" Damon compliments. Kol comes over to me and kisses my forehand like a gentleman "she's simply stunning, isn't that right darling" Kol adds on. Caroline and Bonnie come out in their new dresses. Caroline is wearing an off white floral dress while Bonnie is wearing a medium blue dress with black detailing. "Look at these girls, they're all so beautiful"Alaric joins in on the compliments. Rebekah stands next to us in the green dress that she picked out for tonight. "Oh stop with the compliments, we know that we're simply divine" Rebekah jokes. I nudge Bekah in laughter while Kol teases her. "Elena my sister isn't wrong you do look beautiful, you all do" Elijah says to us girls. The clock strikes 8pm which is the time everyone should be arriving. Let the party begin!

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