Chapter 28

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Rebekah turns the music up a little louder and comes over to me. "Let's have a little fun" she says, eyeing off places in the garden. In a blink of an eye I am on top of a garden table with Rebekah dancing. I step off it and go over to Cami who is dancing with Davina. "How are my New Orlean's girls going?" I ask bubbly.

"This is amazing, you're so free tonight I love it" Cami beams.

"Elena we need to party in the snow more often" Davina exclaims. Shame it doesn't snow a lot otherwise I would party in the snow every chance I could. "Hey Elena" I hear my name getting cold to only have a snowball in my face. I wipe the speckles of the snow from my face to see Klaus laughing. I make the biggest snowball I can and launch it back at him. It hits him hard, making him stumble.

The shivers of the cold start to happen when my toes go numb. It's way too cold to be out here now. "I don't know about you all but I'm freezing my ass off and I'm in the mood for presents" my inner child says to everyone. When I was younger presents were my favourite part of Christmas but now it's family. I make the first entrance inside and to the most magical room of the house.

I gasp by the changes in the room. It was just a very large decorated tree now too. Christmas lights around the shelves, stockings, not just photos of the Mikaelson family but my Mystic Falls family, everything is perfect. The fire burning in the fireplace with twinkling lights. "Oh my god this is just" I can barely get the words out by how grateful I am.

"We thought that something a little extra would make that smile of yours brighter" I hear Elijah say. I rush over to the tree and sit beside it. Jeremy sits by me with the others scattered around the room.

Klaus pov

Watching her in pure happiness surrounded by her family enlightens me. In 8 to 7 months time there is going to be one more extra to the family. Me a father, something that I've never thought about until I left Elena. I didn't just leave her for her happiness but also to give me time to figure some things out. You can get handbooks on how to prepare you for a child but there is no handbook on How to be a father. Mikeal was cruel and I'm more than happy that he is out of my life; except my concern is I will be with him. Hunted. Hurt. That was my relationship with him. Elena's father on the other hand was a doctor and a nice person. What am I supposed to be of a father? The monster within me does unleash but can be contained. The thought of hurting or scaring my son or daughter rattles me.

"Thank you Elijah" I acknowledge my brother for his protection of Elena, my child and for always keeping this family together.

"No need to thank me NIclaus, Family Always and Forever" He vowels. The eternal vow we made centuries ago still stands to this day except with more members.

Elena pov

The smiles and joy in the room as the gifts are opened and handed out warms me. Klaus gave me this opportunity and it's the best one I've ever been given. My last gifts are for the Mikaelson's. The one I am most excited to give is Rebekah's. I pick up the large square present and walk over to her. "Merry Christmas Rebekah '' I say, handing the gift to her. "Aw Elena you didn't have to get me anything" she says back. Rebekah tears the red wrapping paper off to reveal a heart touching smile. "You never got to have a family of your own, so I thought you could fill this album full of photos of the family you have with an extra later on" I sythensise. Tiny tears pour out of Rebekah's eyes as she stands up and wraps her arms around me. "You make my present look bad, Thank you sister". Hearing Rebekah calling me sister over the past month still sends smiles on my face. Rebekah unfolds her arms and hands me her gift.

I tear off the gift wrapping to hold a flat iron. Rebekah witnessed my tantrum last week when my flat iron broke. I smile in response and thank her. Marcel makes some sort of comment to Rebekah's gift which causes her to have to explain. Guys will never understand the pain of when a flat iron dies.

Davina is sitting on Kol's lap as I go over to him. Kol's expression makes me laugh as he sees the bottle of vodka I got him as well as a new leather jacket. Kol had complained one night that Rebekah had shrunk it. Really he just outgrew the jacket. Kol takes off his jacket he is wearing and puts my gift on him. "Ugh perfect fit, now my turn darling" he sighs in relief. I take the long silver box from him and unseal the lid. It's beautiful. Two Angel wings with a heart in the middle with small snowflakes around the bracelet. "Oh my god Kol, I love it" I shriek and hug him. "The pleasure is mine sister" I blush with Kol's words and go over to Elijah who is beside Klaus.

Each of the Mikaelson's I had put a lot of thought into their gifts. They welcomed me into their home and accepted me even after past events. I killed Kol and yet now he calls me his sister. I daggered Rebekah and now she calls me her sister. So much has changed in this year and I think this is the best change yet.

My something extra with Elijah's gift is a book. Even though there is a library filled with books Elijah had been wanting a certain edition of one and I managed to pull some strings. "Before you tell me to take it back, know that I went to great lengths to get this. Merry Christmas Elijah" I sternly tell him. Elijah takes the gift and unwraps the bottle of Red Wine first. "She sure knows her alcohol brother," Klaus comments. Elijah's smile grows as he opens the second gift. "How did you manage to get this?" Elijah gasps. "I found a vintage book stall and this was just as a display book but I convinced the owner to let me buy it" I explain. Elijah hands me a small bag with items in it. I opened the bag to see a whole new paint set that I wanted. "Thank you, I've been wanting to get these" I applaud him.

I look over to Klaus with his gift not in my hand. "I did get you something I just thought I could give it to you privately later" I reassured him.

"Yes of course, go enjoy being with your family for the meantime" He requested. Part of me wants to go back over to them on my own except that's the old Elena speaking. The new Elena wants this. "Come and join me, please" I hope. His eyes look as if they're shaking in worry. I grab a hold of him and look up to him. With a smile on the both of us I go back over to rejoin the others.

"When do you guys leave?" I ask after gifts have all been opened.

"Tomorrow at 8pm, one last dinner with you before we go" Bonnie answers with tears in her eyes. I lunge myself at Bonnie and hug her. "Aw Bon don't cry you'll see me again" I whimper. I let go of her and wiped her tears away. "My family home is open to you all, I wouldn't keep Elena away from you all anyways" he really has changed. My heart is touched by Klaus' kind words.

"Here I thought you were the big bad wolf when really you're a softy when it comes to women" Caroline judges towards Klaus. One last dinner until who knows when with my Mystic Falls family. I don't want tonight to be over, I want to stay in this moment. "I wish tonight would never end. Being here and watching you smile in happiness Elena is something we have all missed for a very long time" Alaric speaks.

"I haven't smiled like this in a long time which is why I want to do something before the night does end" I answer. Exchange looks go around and ideas I assume start to form with each of us. "How about one final party? I closed the bar on Christmas night so we could go there and have the place to ourselves" Cami suggested. One final party!

"Let's do it, we can drink well and some of us can and dance until our legs drop off. One final Blast" I exclaim.

"Elena's right, we're in the city of New Orleans aren't we?" Davina agrees. I get off the floor and put my hand out for Caroline and Bonnie to get up. One last party with my complete family together!! 

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