Chapter 9

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I wake up to the sun glaring through the window. I'm wrapped up in Klaus's arms. Oh god what will my friends think of me. I truly have changed! My face starts smiling on noticing what I did. Except a striking thought comes to my head. I'm turning tonight. Full moon is tonight. I wiggle out of his arms and grab Klaus's top that hangs on me. I walk over to the bathroom and quietly close the door. I blankly stare in the mirror. This was the face I'm going to contain tonight it would be a predator. There is no going back unless I kill myself excepts that a bit hard as being the hybrid. I slide off the top and turn on the shower.

I sit on the shower floor as thoughts cloud my mind. The water pours steaming down. I keep on making choices and I just made a big one. I touched my lips from where his lips were. I touched my neck where he bit me. What was I thinking? I don't regret this. Do I? No, of course not. I wanted to be with him like that for a long time. That means I was betraying Stefan and Damon. My thoughts racing as I'm struck in fear of what the pain will be like when my body breaks tonight. I would know how it feels for Tyler to change tonight. But why did Klaus have to save me? Couldn't he just leave me to die? "Elena love, are you alright, you've been in there for over half an hour" his concerning British voice. I wish the water would drown my sorrows but it won't.

"I'll be out in just a minute" I shout out. It goes silent. I turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. I step out to my room that is empty. I changed into a pair of black jeans and a dark blue tank top. I let my hair flow out on my shoulders to hide the bite mark that is mainly healed. I quickly brush my hair and slip on some shoes. I go downstairs to see the whole family together. This was something I would have to get used to.

Kol is blabbering about the witches while Rebekah complains. Elijah and I are exchanging glances at this dreadful topic. It's only when I notice Klaus looking up at me. A brief warmth surrounds me but is gone in minutes. "So as you know tonight Elena will become the wolf inside her, I suggest you all stay out of the way unless you want Elena to rip you to pieces" my stomach becomes off edge and I feel stiff. I look at the Mikaelsons and feel a wash of sickness over me. "Elena, you look rather pale," Elijah notices.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I whisper. I bolt upstairs to my bathroom and hurl my breakfast out.

My hair is suddenly held back while my back is getting rubbed. This fear was sickening. "Shhh, let it out love" Klaus calms. Was this a normal thing before turning for the first time? I sit back against the wall when I know I'm done and flush the remaining away. Klaus sits on the other side. I feel tears start to fall. "Is this normal to happen beforehand?" I curiously ask.

"Your emotions are just that extra heighten but the sickness that's a new one I have not known" he answers. I can't stop thinking about how the wolf waiting to come out was going to come out. "What troubles you, Love?" He wonders. His eyes are narrow and sincere.

"I can't do this, I'm scared! I just wanted to have a normal life and not worry about living on blood nor knowing that I had another part to me" I cry. It was true. I may have known about the supernatural world but I still wanted a normal life.

"You can do this Elena, I've known strong women but you're by far the strongest woman I've ever known. And that's why when you become the wolf itself I want you to be free with the wolf and be one with it. Allow yourself to run into the night" his words are touching and truthful. I nod at him as my tears stop. "Now how about you fix yourself up and then we're going out" he says. What on earth could we be doing?

Strolling the streets of New Orleans seeing the light in a new way today. Klaus decided he would show me around the city formally. He takes me to museums of paintings and sculptures. To little cafes and fancy diners. Then it's off to music places and history sites. The laughter and joy in New Orleans is honestly beautiful. The crowd in the middle of the town is playing music and people are dancing along. Fun. Smiles. Happiness. I grab onto Klaus's hand and bring him into the crowd. His hands slip into mine and we dance to the beat of the music. He rolls his eyes at me and allows me to dance with him. As the song ends I curtsy to him. "Why a fine dancer you're there Klaus Mikaelson" I poshly say. He laughs at me and we continue to walk the streets of New Orleans.

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