Chapter 22

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I put my face into my hands and felt the tears stream. Rebekah has gotten up from her spot so Damon can sit by me with Caroline. Alaric and Jeremy have left the room and gone outside the back. "Bonnie is never going to want to be friends with me again and Stefan will never forgive me" I cry.

"Oh Elena they will come around, Damon and I were saying the first night we were here the look on your face when his name got mentioned. Even when you feared him you also saw the good in Klaus more than any of us could. You've still got me Elena" Caroline squeezes my hand. Caroline is different. I thought she was going to yell and scream at me but she is sitting here with me. "You know where I stand, Klaus might not be my favourite person but you're happy and that's all that matters. I'll go find my brother and Caroline will go find Bonnie" Damon comforts. I give both of them a hug and watch as they go and find the other two. I knew some wouldn't take it well but this is just bad. It's Christmas eve and this is depressing. I get up from the couch and go up to my room.

I need him here! He should be here. I feel as the bond slips away each more as the days go by. Right now I need him to just hold me and go give Stefan a mouthful. "Elena It's Davina, can I come in?". I totally forgot that Davina was coming to check up on the baby. "Yeah" I yell out.

Davina comes in and closes the door behind her. She sits by my side and smiles. "Hey", "Hey" I say back.

Damon pov

Just because Stefan has always loved Elena he shouldn't have acted the way he did. I love Elena and I'm not yelling and carrying on like a child. If I know my brother as well as I think I do he should be at the bar in Bourbon street. This place was more than an average place for Stef and I.

Here I walk over to the bar with my brother sitting there. "Outside now" I tell him. I march my way back outside with my brother.

"What do you want Damon?" he discarley asks.

"You know what Stef, can you not see that the girl you will always love has moved on from the both of us and is more happy with him than she probably was with us" I admit.

"What so you're here to tell me that you're completely fine with the fact that she slept with Klaus" he sarcastically says.

"Of course I'm a little stunned but I love Elena and I would do anything for her so ask yourself brother, do you want to be in Elena's life with the child and Klaus, or not even at all". I walk away from him leaving with that question. Stefan can be a real hard ass but he's more of a softy who overreacts. I am more the chill brother. The fun brother.

When I get back to the manor I find Elena in her room and give her a quick hug. Christmas eve and there's so much drama. How fun.

Bonnie pov

I can't let this happen. Klaus must've compelled her, he would've forced her into this. There is no chance in hell that Elena would feel this way towards him! I came to see my best friend that I've missed so much but only to learn she isn't the best friend I once knew. Could I do a spell? Shit I still can't as my magic is weak. Bloody spirits! I know I have to be happy for her and in a way I am. I'm happy she is still getting her human dream, but with him. To know she is also carrying an Original's child brings her a target. Doesn't she realise someone will always be after her and the child. "Bonnie" I hear the scream from Caroline from the other side of the street. I love Caroline but I am not in the mood for her lectures. "I know Bonnie, I'm confused and shocked too but this is Elena we're talking about! She's our best friend, the same girl who lost everything, the same girl we met in primary school" She starts. "Elena sees the good in Klaus she always has, she has never admitted it but Elena is so kind that she doesn't say how things are because it could hurt someone. So please Bonnie walk back into the house and I don't care if you have to beg, but apologize and talk to Elena '' Caroline looks desperate. She really is okay with this but is shocked.

"Okay, and Caroline this doesn't mean that I'm going to be nice to him" I say back. I'll be nice with Elena but over my dead body will be I nice to the Original Hybrid. He's still a monster in my eyes, even if Elena can't see it.

Elena pov

My friends hate me. Oh and it's the bond's fault I'm feeling this sick. God if he hadn't left none of this would've happened. The reason I haven't had the perks of the bond is because he's blocked it out. How could he block me out so well? Not hear my thoughts, or feel my pain. I look up to the sound on the knock of my door. Bonnie. Bonnie comes in and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Elena, you're my best friend and I just want you to be happy. You're getting our human wish and I didn't even consider how you feel. Elena I will accept this and I am happy for you but I still don't like him. Can you forgive me Elena?" Bonnie expresses. I know how she feels. Yes I can forgive her and I know Klaus isn't very liked but that isn't the point. I need Bonnie in my life.

"Yes of course I can forgive you Bonnie, and it's okay I don't like him at times too" I laugh. I give Bonnie a tight hug and she allows me to be in my room on my own.

The only person who hasn't come around is Stefan yet. Will he though? "I don't know where you are right now, I need to tell you this. If you're planning to return home then be aware that you're going to get lectured and possibly yelled at. They all know about the baby and the bond. I waited for as long as I could but I couldn't hold it anymore. So if you even care at all then you will know what is going through my head, oh and I know you blocked me out so please Klaus come home" I leave for a voicemail.

How long until he will come back?

Today was slow until I took Bonnie and Caroline out in the City of New Orleans. Caroline and Bonnie already started talking about baby showers and clothes. Other than that it's nice to be with them. "I can't for you two to be aunties, can you believe I'm going to be a mum?" I giggle. "Ahh this is so crazy but great" Caroline squeals. Bonnie has been more quiet than Caroline. That is to be expected though. "Hey, is there anything else you want to do while we're out?" I ask just in case. I honestly just want to go home but I have to do what is right for them as well.

"Elena you're tired let's go home" Caroline and Bonnie say. Well I guess that's that.

I want to make up with Stefan instead of him brooding around my home. I had spent my morning explaining myself, my afternoon wandering and being with my girls, and my night I don't know yet. "Hey kiddo" I smiled at my little name from Alaric and allowed him to sit beside me on the couch. I haven't had anyone beside the Mikealson's in the library. Now Alaric. "I just wanted to say how proud I am of you, you've been through hell and back and probably will happen again but you still remain you. This baby is going to have one hell of a mother" Awww Ric really could be sweet.

"Thank you Ric" I say and he hugs me. "We better head out and eat before Rebekah orders us to," Ric instructs. At least I still have him as well. "I'll be there in a moment" I say as he walks out.

I haven't walked out as I feel a sudden change within me. A pull.

Take a run

He spoke to me through the bond. He hasn't let me for real. After dinner I will run and let it out. Go by and see Haley. That should help, right? Klaus

I don't get an answer back which means he's probably ignoring me. Oh well I can't help that but I can help my hunger.  

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