Chapter 2

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I drag his body into the corner and cover him with a thrown out blanket that is there. My face still hadn't calmed down. Come on Elena, breathe. I inhale and exhale letting my face go back to normal. I quickly move fast to my car and drive over the limit to the place I'm looking for.

I stand before the compound door and take a hesitant knock. The tears from my eyes are still dry on my face. Please be home or at least one of them. The door opens to the one I need the most. Elijah Mikealson. The tears start to come out of my eyes just a little bit more. " Elena, what is wrong?" He confusedly cares.

"I, I, I killed someone" I answered brokenly. Elijah puts his arms around me and pulls me into his arms and chest. He guides me inside his house and closes the door behind us. He sits me on the couch and lets me let out my whimpers and cries.

"I drained the life out of him Elijah, I couldn't stop myself" I cry. Elijah strokes my hair to calm me down.

"It's okay Elena, but I do have to ask where is the body?" He assures me. I look up to him and take a breath.

"It is in an alleyway covered by a blanket near a bar, um it was a bar a girl called Camile works at" I answer. "I'm so sorry Elijah" I cry in apology. I move away from his chest and place my hands in my lap knowing that I would have to explain.

"I will get my brothers to take care of the body, how about you go take a shower and then we can talk" he lays out. I nod at him but stand up confused as I don't know where to go.

"Umm Elijah what room?" I say looking around at the many rooms visible.

"Take mine, just the room up the stairs to the left" he directs. I follow the directions and go to his room.

His room is elegant. Black silk quilt covers, long dark navy blue curtains drape to reveal the night dark sky. I would have to get a daylight ring soon otherwise there will be a pile of ash on the floor. I make my way to the one sweep. I strip off my clothes and turn on the shower. I step in and let the steamy warm water run down my skin. I take the opportunity to bathe myself in Elijah's fancy body wash and hair products. Surprisingly enough girl products are here two for hair. Maybe Rebekah left them in here? The water starts to turn red. Blood red. I fix the temperature of the water to try and fix it but it doesn't do anything it just keeps pouring out blood. I put myself into the corner of the shower and then realised I was imagining things. The water is as pure as it can be. I let myself sit on the floor and tuck my knees into my chest.

Out of all places I come to, I come to the family that wrecked part of life. Klaus killed Jenna, Kol tried to kill me and Jeremy, Elijah took me hostage but is the most noble of them all, and Rebekah well hates me. Well I think she still does. I don't see how any of them will want to have me here except Elijah. Maybe Klaus and Kol but I'm sure Rebekah will kick up a fuss. Except this is the only place I could come to. A loud soft knock on the door brings me back to reality. "Elena are you okay in there, your phone is going off to Mr Salvatore, Damon '' Elijah checks. Damon must've found my note. Which means Stefan knows I'm gone as well. "No don't answer it just decline it, I'll be out in a second Elijah" I reply. I know Damon. He is going to get Bonnie to do a locator spell before I can learn how to become a vampire. He will do anything in his power to bring me back to Mystic Falls. I slowly stand up from the shower floor and turn it off. I step out and wrap a towel around my body. I use another towel and another to dry my hair. Once it's pretty much dry I open the bathroom door and walk out. Elijah is just standing there in still his suit pants but with no shirt. I know I shouldn't stare but it's really hard no to. He's flawless. I clench onto my towel tighter, worrying that it would drop. "Lovely Elena I can sense that you're standing there" He remarks. Elijah puts back on a shirt that isn't a suit shirt. He's looking at me and his eyes drop down to my towel.

"Um I don't have any clothes apart from what I wore here but that has blood on them" I awkwardly tell him.

"You can borrow some of Rebekah's, just let me go grab a pair of clothes for you to sleep in" he answers and leaves the room to get me clothes. He quickly returns with a pair of black shorts and a maroon blouse. He puts the clothes on the bed and leaves the room allowing me to change.

I open the door to the compound once I'm dressed and go downstairs to see Klaus and Elijah having a drink. "Ah Elena" Klaus starts. I look around awkwardly on where to sit.

"Have a seat Elena" Elijah politely answers.

"I must say Elena out of all people I would never have thought you would be here in New Orleans or in our home, so I ask what is it that brings you here?" Klaus wonders. Elijah shoots him a look. A look of "not yet a brother". I've seen many of them with Damon and Stefan.

"Before I explain, Klaus thank you for taking care of the um body"

"No problem dear Elena we don't mind cleaning up the dirty work, don't we brother" I look up to see Kol now standing near me.

"Oh Kol, don't be a fool of yourself, you only did it because it was for Elena" I turn around to see Rebekah now joining the conversation.

"Brother, sister, we love your input but can we let lovely Elena speak?" Elijah helps me out.

"I got turned with supposedly with Damon's blood in my system but I'm stronger than a regular vampire. It doesn't make sense though. Since I was turned into Damon and Stefan have been trying to tell me how to act and how to be the vampire each of them are; but when they didn't control me" I start I take a breath in and exhale to continue. "I haven't got a daylight ring either so I can't go in the sun anytime soon, I came here because the only vampire I fully trust is Elijah no offence to you guys but you all tried to kill me more than once," I watch as Elijah's face lifts and the others nod. "Klaus, you murdered my aunt, used me as your blood source, but I'm willing to put that in the past. Same with all of you. Rebekah I guess you hate me for stabbing you in the back but I would do it all again as it was for my family" before I continue I look at Rebekah who is sharply glaring at me but understands where I'm coming from.

"Everyone says it was Damon's blood in my system when I died and became a vampire but I honestly don't know if it was, I'm stronger, have more of a bloodlust like right now I could rip out someone's jugular" as soon as I say that Kol rushes to the kitchen and back to me with a blood bag. I feel my face turn as he even holds it. He hands it to me and I open it up and place the stupid straw in it and suck it. "Everything is heightened more than normal and I don't know how to control any of this, I don't have much time as I know Stefan and Damon will come looking for me soon and get Bonnie to do a locator spell." My voice becomes fast and ragged. Klaus looks more stressed and he walks away from this all. What's wrong with him? My face still hasn't returned to normal and I cover my hands to my face to hide the monster away. I feel hands bring my hands away from my face. I look into Elijah's eyes and let a single tear slide down my monster face. Elijah strokes the veins on my face and I start to calm down. Elijah strokes my hair until I am fully calmed.

"It's okay Elena, shhh" Elijah whispers.

"You can stay with us" I shockingly look at Rebekah as she says those words. "I remember what it was like to turn and it was hard, you need people who can help you and let you live your life," Rebekah explains. I nod at her not knowing what to say.

"Lovely Elena I will help you but I am sure you, you should let my siblings help too. I may be the oldest one but If you want just me to help you then I will" Elijah speaks. At first I just wanted Elijah to help me but with what Rebekah said I'm not sure.

"I don't know yet, I'll think about it. What's wrong with Klaus? He seemed more than when I was talking before" I answer.

"Don't worry about him, my brother is always off, just worry about the Salvatore's. I'll go attend my brother" Elijah says. 

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