Chapter 12

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 I can't stop thinking that I'm going to be the mother of Klaus Mikaelson's child. The child won't be an ordinary child. He/She's dad is Klaus Mikealson who is targeted by many beings. I don't want my baby to have to live in fear like I do. Except what will Klaus think? If I was human he would be glad as the petrova bloodline would be continued but I'm not human. Will he want the baby? Or will he abandon me and this child? I know Elijah, Kol and Rebekah will have my back. Elijah still has feelings for me, that's the only thing though. I know that if Klaus doesn't want to be a father Elijah will step in. No matter if one of the brothers steps in, it won't change who the real father is. My friends will be so ashamed of me. Caroline will most likely adjust but Bonnie. Bonnie never wanted to be in the vampire life. Her mother was a vampire and that didn't go well, her two best friends are vampires, well partly me. Damon and Stefan will most likely flip their shit. My brother I think will be happy for me but a bit confused and there is Alaric. Former vampire hunter with my brother. He is like a father to me and it would be nice to have my guardian to be okay. My whole dream was to be a mother and when I fell in love with Stefan and Damon that dream was never going to happen. Little did I know it would be with Klaus. I hope Davina can get me some real answers soon though. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.

Looking back at their faces as I walk out with a bump slightly showing surprise me. Disgust! They all hate me. "What did you do Elena?" Alaric questions. "Don't you see Ric, she slept with the monster" Damon's voice is cruel and harsh. Stefan looks broken and hurt. They all look to Jeremy when he approaches me for a hug.

"I never thought that this day would come but it has" I look up to Jeremey but only to feel a plunge into my heart.

I throw myself upwards gasping and clutching my stomach. Just a nightmare. Another one of my brother killing me. Would Jer actually kill me and the baby? It's 9:30 in the morning. I should check in with Davina and see if she has figured anything out. I reach over to my phone to see miss calls from Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Rebekah. There are several texts as well but I can't be bothered to look at them. Just skim through them quickly. I got an incoming text from Davina. I open the text to read. Meet me at Marcel's and bring Haley. I have some answers you will want to know...

I sit up from the bed and exit the room.

I find Haley drinking coffee at the table. "Hey, Davina wants us to meet her at Marcel's" I inform her. "Okay, would you like a change of clothes?" she asks.

"That would be great".

I have a quick shower and change into a pair of Haley's clothes. They fit well even though Haley is taller than me. As well as me being pregnant. At least I'm not showing yet. I walk out to the car and wait for Haley. It's only when I feel a wash of grief come over me. I stare at Jeremy's contact not knowing what to do. I'll call him later. Haley walks out with a blood bag for me for the short drive.

"Good to see you again Elena, Haley" Marcel greets. Does Marcel know? I make my way to the main area where Davina is. "Thank you for coming. So I did some digging and research and I do have some answers" Davina starts.

"I'm happy to open my house for these meetings but may I know what this is about?" So Marcel was kept out of the loop. I haven't told anyone else about the pregnancy. Should I tell Marcel before Klaus? "Elena, are you alright?" he asks. Haley looks over to me. She sits beside me. "You don't have to tell him, If you're not ready to tell others just yet" Haley comforts. I want to tell Marcel but it's what Klaus' reaction will be like. No this is my choice not Klaus's! I'm the one carrying the child. Words I thought I would never say and I can't manage to get them out.

"It's okay Elena whatever it is you can tell me in your own time. I'll do what I need to and give me okay when you're done here" he lays out. I nod in return, still speechless.

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