Chapter 5

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I follow him as he leads me to what looks like a training room. "I may not be the strongest out of my siblings but I do enjoy a good fight and training, I want you to come at me with full force no holding back " Kol instructs. I nod my head in return. We circle each other for a couple of minutes until he goes to strike me but I dodge him. I nudge him in the ribs but he grabs a hold of me. I use the strength I have and quickly break away. I go to punch him but he blocks my fist. I feel the anger in me rise! I can smell the blood I didn't get to finish which makes me mad. "Try and channel that anger" "let your emotions help you fight" he says. Kol trips me within his leg and I tremble. I grab a hold of myself and lunge at him. I throw my fist at him and take another swing from behind. I end up making Kol fall. I pin him down and I feel my fangs and face change as I snare at him. What did I just do? Kol turns me over but I turn him back over and pin him up to the wall with my arm to his neck. No ordinary vampire could do what I just did in split seconds. A rush of pure anger comes over me. Wait who turned me because I don't know how Damon's blood could have this effect on me. "Elena, Lena" I hear Kol gasping for air and then realise what I'm doing. I'm almost choking him. I quickly release him. I forcefully gulp down the mug and stare blankly at him.

"How did I do that Kol? I shouldn't be able to do all of that in split seconds" I start to feel myself shouting. I move quickly towards him and I end up throwing Kol across the room. What the hell is going on with me? I rush up to my room leaving Kol still in the training room.

I am starting to think that Damon's blood wasn't the blood in my system when I was turned. It makes no sense though if it isn't. Who could've turned me. I'm stronger than the average vampire. Almost to the strength of an original vampire. As I sit against the wooden door I feel my tears come down my face. I wish I was human. I can no longer have kids, grow old, and be around humans without wanting to kill them. "Elena I can hear you crying, please tell me what's wrong" Kol says through the door. I just want to be alone. I want to go outside. I don't want to be what I am. I want to live a normal life! Kol continues to speak to him but I ignore him. I'm still in the clothes I went to bed in as I don't have any clothes. I'm sweating and I feel gross. I open the door slightly to let Kol in. I let Kol wrap his arms around me as I now sit against the wall.

"Shhh, it's okay Elena it's going to be okay" he comforts. The tears keep on coming as I don't know how to control the emotions.

"Why am I like this Kol?" I question. The one question no one has answered for me.

"I don't know but we will find out, don't worry, how about you have a shower and I'll get you some clothes from Rebekah's room" he suggest. I nod in return for not having the words to speak. Kol and I get off the floor and I go to the bathroom in my room.

As I stand in the shower and let the water run down me I realise all the things I miss out on. I can't have kids! I won't ever get to be a mother. I won't be able to grow old. I'll have to watch my human friends die old as I stay in the form I am. I would have to control my blood urges and now that is my healthy diet. I have never seen my life this way before and now I can't see my future because all I see is black.

Kol pov

"Nik, she is getting stronger and stronger. She needs to know. Her emotions are all over the place and she almost choked me to death" I explain.

"I'll be home soon. Kol just tries to keep her together." Klaus orders.

"I don't know how long I can sit by and watch her suffer Nik, I don't know if any of us can for long now" I truthfully reply. I can hear Elena whimpering in the shower and it breaks my heart.

"Kol I swear if you tell her you will regret it she'll know soon" he says and the line goes dead. I just hope he is right because lying to Elena Gilbert isn't easy. I walk back to Elena's room with the clothes in my hand. Elena and Rebekah have different bodies so I hope these fit. I open the door to see Elena wrapped in a towel and in a messy bun. "Um sorry I should've knocked" I apologise. I place the clothes on the bed and leave to let her get dressed. 

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