Chapter 34

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I softly open Elena's door knowing she is sleeping and place the bag of clothing on her dresser. Laying there perfectly still softly sounds asleep. Part of me wants to wake her and talk to her about what's troubling her but I know waking her will only trouble her more. Leaving her to sleep I close the door behind me and go to find my siblings. I eye Rebekah and Elijah into a room that Kol is already in. "What is the matter of this Nik?" Rebekah is the one I'm going to have to convince the most with this plan. Elijah will hate it but he will accept it because it will protect Elena. Kol on the other hand could either want to join me or be with Elena. "I had a call from the Salvatore's informing me that they need me in Mystic Falls after New Years due to news about Katherine and Aurora. I need you to get Elena out of this city and head down to one of our private houses, just get her far away from New Orleans and Mystic Falls" I hate this plan as it is, I want nothing more than to stay with my family but I will not put Elena or my child in danger. "How long will you be gone?" Elijah asks knowing that he already has the answer in mind. "I don't know how long I'll be gone, from the sound of Salvatore's voices; more than a month" I estimate not knowing a single idea myself. Rebekah is rolling her eyes and fuming. "Seriously Nik, how many times are you going to leave Elena and that child of yours. You've been home for what three days and you will be leaving in the new year. This is absolute bullshit even for you" Kol bellows.

"Good riddens NIklaus, if you're going to leave this family behind once again even though you're protecting Elena you will say goodbye to her. Not a note but in person!" I knew Elijah would understand but I didn't expect him to be this mad.

"I know and I will, I don't want to leave but I won't let anyone lay a hand on my mate or my child" I exclaim full of rage.

"Fine we will go along with this only because it will protect our sister the baby, but please Nik this time call, don't leave Elena just waiting with no answers" Rebekah saddens but accepts. Rebekah pushes past me and the sound of a slamming door comes from her. "I will be telling Marcel tonight as well as Haley, Cami, and Davina. A therapist, wolf, extra vampire, witch." I add as Kol moves out of the room most likely to see Rebekah or to feed.

"We have a party to attend tonight, Elena will not know about this until you're ready to tell her but it needs to be done soon" with that Elijah walks past me leaving him with the last word.

Katherine and Aurora will pay for this! And I'll be the one to make sure they do!

Rebekah pov

Furious that's how I feel. He's leaving again but now to protect her and the child. "Little sister, why are you crying?" I look up to Kol with the tears in my eyes making my makeup run. "He's looking after her but at the same time he's going to hurt her" I sob to my brother, feeling pathetic for crying in front of him. Kol sits beside me on my bed and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I feel the same way, we both hated Elena so much she killed us both in fact and yet now we call her our sister and would do anything for her" Kol isn't wrong. I wanted Elena dead more than anything. "She killed you and daggered me, there's a difference Kol" I corrected him with laughter in my voice. "If it will make you feel any better, I'll make you one of my cocktails and run you a bath just how you like it" Kol is being too nice right now.

"What is it that you want Kol, you aren't this nice for nothing" I know I'm right. One thing about Kol is that he is pure with kindness but when he wants something he might bargain for it. "Ugh you got me, Davina is looking for a certain spell and I can't seem to find it. It's some sort of spell that mother had in her grimoire except I can't even find that" Mothers Grimoire is something that is hidden within this house. No wonder Kol can't find it given his attitude to motivation. "Okay, but there has to be candles and don't try and burn me with the bath" I agree to his terms and allow him to do the work.

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