Chapter 48

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"I can live with out you,
But without you I'll be miserable at best.."

- Mayday parade.


Abbie's POV-

It's been three days.

Three days since Crowley made a surprise visit at my work. Three days since Luke and Dylan went bat shit crazy in the car and plotted to kill Crowley in multiply ways. Three days and I have gotten hourly warnings from Crowley via text message.

I want to say that I have made a decision, But I haven't. Every time I come close, I'm faced with a new wall that pushes me back.

I wish it was easy.

For the past few days Luke and Dylan haven't let me out of their sight. Luke came into work with me whilst Dylan circled outside and inside the restaurant to "keep watch".

I think the pressure and stress is slowly diving us all insane. But we're all headed there anyways.

At the moment I'm sat on the sofa with my head hanging off the armrest and my legs hanging off the other. Mayday parades "oh well, oh well" Is being blasted from my speakers.

What can I say? Mayday parade suits my mood right now.

There is a loud banging at the door but I don't even flinch, I just keep my eyes closed knowing that either Dylan or Luke will answer it.

"Hiya, what's up?" Michael said as he walked into the room only to sit on my legs seconds later.

I groaned and moved my legs around to get comfortable once again.

"Someone's grumpy" Michael teased and poked my sides.

"Piss off" i grumbled and sat up.

As I glanced up I found that the whole gang was currently in my apartment. I raised my eyebrows at everyone before huffing and walking over to the other sofa which Luke was lounging in.

I sat down and nuzzled into his side. He responded immediately and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong with Abbie?" Calum asked in a hushed voice.

"I'm still here ya know" I mumbled, not meaning to be bitchy but that's just how I felt.

"She's a bit down at the moment because of Crowley" Dylan explained from across the room. I felt Luke nod above me and he rubbed my arm comfortingly.

"Oh" was all that was said before an awkward silence filled the room, well apart from the music that was still blaring. Now it had skipped to "terrible things" another favourite of mine.

I was just starting to be lulled to sleep by Derek's voice when someone had the audacity to turn it off.

I abruptly stood up. I'm really not in a good mood.

"Finally, we got your attention" Calum commented from where he stood next to my stereo.

That little shit.

"What?" I growled.

"We're going to the cinema"

"Why?" I countered.

"Because you look like shit and haven't left the apartment in three days" he sassily replied.

"Gee thanks" I rolled my eyes and stomped over to the door next to Dylan.

"What are we going to go and see anyway?" I whined.

"Teenage mutant ninja turtles" Michael said in a 'duh' voice.

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