Chapter 9

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Abbie's POV-

We sat in silence for a few moments before I spoke up.

"Have you ever written your own songs?"

Luke glanced at me before turning his attention back to the ceiling and replying.

"Yeah, but I don't think they are any good. I showed them to the boys once and we messed around with the melodies and lyrics but nothing good ever came out of it. It just passed the time really"

"Oh" I sighed. His voice was so amazing I just wanted to sit and listen to it for days but he didn't seem to want me to hear him.

"Do you think you could show me one at some point - not now if you don't want to. But at some point in the future, maybe?"

"Yeah sure. Maybe". He smiled whilst shifting onto his side and facing me.

Another peaceful silence fell upon us. We just kinda stared at each other.

"So...." I, again, broke the silence. "do you wanna watch a movie in my room?"

"Okay, but I'm choosing the movie - you pick the same frigging stuff every time" he said whilst jumping off his bed.

"Hey! my movie choices are awesome" I replied following him out the room.

"Sure they are, but I'm afraid there's only so many times you can watch batman;the dark knight before you go literally insane. I'm pretty sure I know all of the words" he sassily replied whilst sorting through my movie collection.

I slid into my bed, set up the TV and got some snacks from under my bed ready whilst Luke was still looking for a film. He finally turned around in triumph holding 'the transformers; revenge of the fallen' in the air as if it was the holy grail.

"I found it - you have no idea how long I've been waiting to watch this. Michael always talks about how cool the graphics are so I wanna watch it" he said.

"Okay cool, put it in the DVD player then" I replied whilst getting comfortable.

-- (after film)

The film finally finished and I rolled over whilst yawning.

"I'm so tried" I said whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Let's go to sleep then" luke suggested.

We stood up and Luke started to walk towards his room.

"Goodnight Luke" I said.

"Night Abz" he replied whilst bringing me in for a hug. His touch was warm and inviting and I found myself snuggling into his chest in my tired state.

"I'll see you in the morning" Luke said whilst kissing my temple. This caused butterflies to be set free in my stomach.

Pulling away I muttered an 'okay' and I felt the blush rise on my cheeks.

We both got settled in our beds and fell asleep.


A loud crash awoke me from my slumber and I shot upright in my bed and turned on my lamp.

Looking towards the door I found Luke awkwardly lying on the floor in a heap of coat hangers and boots.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

"Well I'm used to checking up on you in the night, but I couldn't do that from my room so I came in here - but obviously my plan to be quiet backfired" Luke said whilst untangling himself. I internally awed at his cute protectiveness.

"You don't say?" I replied cheekily.

I moved aside in my bed and cleared some space for him to lay.

"Come here - then you can stay until i fall asleep" I compromised and he agreed after checking multiple times that it was actually okay with me.

I got comfortable with my head lying on his chest, our legs intwined and our arms around each other.

He was playing with some strands of my hair whilst I was tracing his tattoos.

"What does this one mean?" I replied whilst tracing over the words 'so sick of the system' that was written in swirly typography on his forearm.

"When you first started to go out with Tony, I got really angry because I couldn't have you. And that's the stupid systems fault hence the tattoo. It's actually a line from one of the songs that me and the boys wrote"

I muttered an 'oh' whilst glancing at the other tattoos along his arm.

I felt his intense stare on me once again and looked up to face him.

Luke POV-

I stared down at Abbie again. Absorbing her natural beauty. She'll never know how much she actually means to me.

Sensing my stare she turned to look at me with a wide and innocent gaze.

My lord she is beautiful.

My impulses and emotions were heightened and all over the place. And I think that I not only shocked her but also myself by what I said next.

"Abbie...can I kiss you?"

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