Chapter 40

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Luke's POV-

Dylan, Calum and I were currently slumped in uncomfortable hospital chairs. We are waiting for Abbie and Michael; they are both getting their hands and cuts checked out.

Calum was drowsily talking to Faye over the phone and telling her what happened and where we were.

"The girls are on their way" he croaked and I nodded in reply.

Hearing a squeaking of footsteps my head snapped up in hopes of seeing Abbie, however it was only Michael.

He was cradling his hand which was wrapped in a large bandage.

"Who wants to sign my temporary cast first?" He said with excitement. Dylan rolled his eyes and I slumped back into my seat not interested, whereas Calum cheerfully agreed.

They sat next to each other and started to ramble about what they were gonna write and draw and so on.... I let out a bored sigh and stared down the corridor, no one was in the hospital except us and I was kinda relieved when I saw the girls and Ashton walking towards us.

"What happened? Where's Abbie? Are you all okay?" Ashton immediately started to question as Jo and Faye ran to Calum and Mike.

Dylan started to explain what happened to us to Ash and Mickey. Faye was fussing over Calum and Michael was showing Jo his new cast.

"Jo" Michael whined "sympathise with me, I hurt" he exclaimed and put his head on her shoulder. She simply rolled her eyes.

"Hey, where's Abbie?" She asked me.

"She's still getting checked out" I replied and got to my feet. "I'm gonna go and see if she's alright" I finished and started to walk down the corridor.

A ghost of smile played at my lips. Abbie was safe, for now. She said she loved me which means I have the upper hand over Dylan.

Not that it's a competition.

Hearing a shuffle of footsteps behind me I turned, only to roll my eyes when I saw Dylan trailing after me whilst glaring at me.

"What?" I barked and stopped in the corridor.

"Nothing" he shortly replied, but as he walked past he shoved his shoulder into mine.

"Well, it has to be something" I replied and walked after him.

"You just frustrate me so much" he said.

"What have I done now?!" I questioned.

"All of that shit in the car with Abbie!" He exclaimed "oh I love you, to the moon?" He mocked.

"You are making her go straight back to you" he growled.

"And that's how it should be" I stated "she was mine first"

"Yeah, but all of this" he gestured around him "happened because of you. It happened because you didn't do your job and protect her. Therefore it's like a new beginning. It's a start over and Abbie has to chose - and this time it will be fair as we both have an equal chance" he seethed.

"I'm not going to make her chose one of us, that's not fair" I said and scowled at him.

"What?" He smirked "you scared she'll chose me?"

"No chance of that mate because if you hadn't noticed, you tried to kill her; twice. She's petrified of you" I spat venomously.

He simply chucked and smiled sinisterly at me "and you don't think she's scared of you?" He asked "you turned dark In front of her, you chased her out of her apartment and kidnapped her - not to mention the fact that you also lead her straight to Crowley and put her in danger" he shouted "she could have been killed" he finished.

"I didn't mean for that to happen, I was trying to protect her" I shouted and we stepped closer to each other preparing for a fight.

"Well it did happen and it shows how reckless you are. Abbie is precious to many people - she's my whole world and I don't care if you think she is yours too, okay? All I care about is having her as mine permanently - then I can look out and protect her properly unlike you" he spat.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to make her chose then because I also want her to be mine" I said ignoring the fact that he insulted me.

We scowled at each other, looking each other dead in the eyes in silence. That was until an aggravated sigh sounded from beside us.

"I am a human being" Abbie stated angrily and we turned to look at her. "I am not some possession that you two can fight over and put in danger - I have feelings! You two are just gonna have to accept that who I chose is my decision and you shouldn't pressurise me or try to influence that" she finished whilst looking hurt.

I reached out to touch her just as Dylan tried to reason with her.

"Don't" she firmly stated and stepped away from us both.

"It's been a long day and I want to go home now" she said quietly and walked away from us.

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