Chapter 39

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"I see you around here lately,
You smile brighter than you should.
And me? I've been so lonely.
But I'm glad your doing good...
'Cause I can't forget the way it used to be,
And if I ever let you down,
Well, I'm sorry...."
- Sleeping with sirens


Dylan's POV -

"Come on lads! I haven't got all night, I have other people to terrorise!" Crowley exclaimed, it broke Luke and i's death glare that we had set on each other.

All was still for a few minutes, none of us making the first move. Crowley simply looked between us both, sighed and then clicked his fingers together once more.

"I guess I'll do all of the work then!" He said angrily.

My grip was tight on Abbie's as we waited in anticipation, but our hold was soon broken as something hit the back of my head, the wind knocked out of me and I fell to the floor with a thud.

In pain, I glanced to Luke who had also been smashed to the floor. My attacker suddenly yanked me upwards by my collar and started to kick me.

I started to block his kicks and begun to deliver some harsh blows to his face. Luke was also the same and all that could be heard was the scuffing of our feet and the groans of pain.

That was until Abbie screamed. Luke and I's heads snapped up to see Crowley dragging her across the floor by her hair. She was struggling and had tears streaming down her face.

Luke growled beside me and ran towards her, only to be dragged backwards by his attacker; one of Crowley's henchmen.

My not focusing caused my attacker to immediately have the upper hand and he mercifully punched and smashed my head into the floor.

That pain didn't matter though. What hurt more was Abbie's cries for help and me not being able to get to her.

I punched my attacker and it caused his head to fall backwards, and him to lose his balance.

I staggered to my feet along with my attacker. Luke and his attacker were still punching and growling at each other.

I looked around me quickly for a weapon but instead I noticed that Michael was using the wall for support and was slowly getting to his feet.

"Michael" i exclaimed and he flinched. He spun around and looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"A little help?" I questioned only to be tackled by my attacker again.

As I punched him, I could see Michael out of the corner of my eye. He had jumped on Luke's attackers back and this caused him to fall off of Luke and set him free.

Michael punched the attacker hard in the face immediately knocking him out. He looked at me victoriously before gripping his hand in pain.

Still struggling with my attacker, i gestured to Michael to help me.


Luke's POV-

Michael jumped on one of Crowley henchmen's back which caused him to release his clamped grip from my neck.

Not wasting any time I scrambled to my feet; Michael can deal with him.

I stumbled slightly but regained my balance and fled the room. I ran, following Abbie's cries for help - each one tugged my heartstrings.

I eventually caught up with Crowley and stood, breathing heavily, in the doorway.

Crowley had dragged Abbie over to the balcony, opened the doors and then had hung her over the railings.

She was gripping onto the bars with all of her might but Crowley was stomping on her fingers with force making her slip and cry.

Getting angry, I launched myself onto Crowley's back. He stumbled backwards and I immediately started to punch him.

He blocked my blows and started to struggle.

A panicked cry sounded from the side of me and I looked to find Abbie slipping.

"Abbie, hold on" I desperately cried whilst trying to restrain Crowley.

Crowley suddenly chuckled from beneath me.
"You can't save her, It's too late. Half her fingers are broken and her physical strength isn't the best" he mocked and smirked up at me.

Feeling angrier than ever I felt myself tip over the edge. I delivered a powerful blow to the side of his head near his temple and his head tuned with his eyes closed.

I crawled quickly over to the edge and gripped onto Abbie's hand.

"Hold on baby!" I exclaimed. Her fingers were freezing cold and her hold was lose. Obviously the pain from her broken fingers caused her grip to be weak.

"Abbie give me your other hand" I said and reached for her. She wearily took her hand off of the ledge and reached for me but as she did so her other hand slipped.

She screamed and cried out. I desperately reached for her other hand and pulled her up to safety.

My heart was beating loudly because of the thought of losing her and tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Come on, let's get outta here" I said and picked her up bridal style. I glanced wearily at Crowley before I left the balcony.

He was still for a few moments. Good, I thought. But my sliver of happiness soon went when he groggily turned his head to face me and he glared at me sinisterly.

I simply scowled back and started to walk back towards where Dylan and the boys were.

Abbie wrapped her shaky arms around my neck and gripped onto me.

"Shhh," I whispered "it's okay, I've got you" I finished and kissed the side of her head. She looked at me with glossy and tired eyes before dropping her head onto my shoulder.

I walked into the other room and saw Crowley's henchmen passed out on the floor. Dylan was stood in the centre of the room looking at me angrily whereas Michael was heaving a still passed out Calum into a standing position.

"Uhhh, a little help please, Dylan" Michael said.

Dylan rolled his eyes but he still turned and hooked one of Calum's arms around his shoulder and started to walk swiftly towards the door.

We stumbled down the steps, out of the house and walked towards the car. As we approached i walked around to the side door, slid in and sat with Abbie cradled into my lap.

"I don't think I can drive" Michael groaned as he stepped back from dumping a still unconscious Calum next to me.

"And why is that?" Dylan questioned.

"Because I think I broke my hand" he replied and gripped one of his hands. Dylan simply rolled his eyes and got into the passenger seat.

"Shut up and don't be such a girl" he growled and Michael grumbled under his breath in protest.

Abbie was shaking so I ran my hands up and down her arms to warm her up.

"We're gonna get you to a hospital, okay babe?" I whispered and cupped her cheeks.

She nodded slowly at me and flashed me a weak smile.

"I love you Abbie" I said and looked at her deep in the eyes "to the moon?" I questioned.

"And back" she confirmed. I grinned at her and pecked her lips, marvelling at the way they tasted.

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