Chapter 26

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Abbie's POV -
It was silent in the apartment, the only sounds were the distant buzzing of the stilled tv and the ticking of the clock.

Michael and Jo had fallen asleep hours ago but I sat awake, just staring blankly at the wall. I had to figure out some way of getting Luke back.

Sighing I rubbed my temples and rose to my feet. As I walked towards the spare bedroom I hovered outside of the bathroom door.

Luke's in there. All chained up. What if he's cold? Or hungry? Should I check up on him?

Deciding to listen to my own thoughts I quietly opened the door and was blinded by the brightness of the room.

I stood apprehensively in the doorway and eyed Luke's slumped figure.

He seemed so.... broken.

Tears formed in my eyes and I couldn't help myself, I reached out and gingerly ran my fingers through his soft hair. I quickly pulled back and mentally scolded myself.

Michael said to stay away - I was only putting myself in danger.

I pivoted on my toes and turned to leave the room but stilled as Luke's head slowly lifted upwards.

He stared at me with dark and hatred in his eyes. He looked like

The chloroform rag was still tied around his mouth and it was making him weak, but he still managed to scowl at me with so much anger.

Starting to shake under his glare, I moved out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I need help. Michael is not going to help me if I try to find anther lost soul. I don't think Ash will either - maybe Calum will.

I rushed towards the coat rack and pulled my coat over my shoulders and stuffed my feet inside of my boots.

Shutting the door behind me I made my way up towards Faye and Calum's apartment. It was about one o'clock in the morning and there was no-one else around.

How cliche.

I quietly knocked on their door and no one answered. Sighing in frustration I tried again - more urgently this time.

A few minutes passed before a groggy Calum answered the door.

"Abbie?" He questioned with his eyes half closed "what are you doing here!? It's one o'clock in the morning" he exclaimed with a yawn.

"I need I talk to you" I rushed.

"What about?"

"Luke" he simply nodded and let me inside. We sat on opposite sides of he sofa and he rubbed his eyes.

"What about Luke?" He asked.

"I have an idea - to get him back" I stated and he nodded, not really paying attention.

"I want to get in contact with another lost soul" his head snapped upwards at my words and his eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed

"Apparently so" I chuckled.

"This isn't some joke Abbie! Lost souls are dangerous. They could kill you, one has already tried to kill you; with the fire! I mean, didn't you see Luke? He wanted to kill you and he was your guardian! He loves you and he tried to harm you!"

"Yeah I know, but we have to try! Maybe if we just ask them - we could see how we could reverse the darkness. Please Calum you have to help me" I pleaded.

He sighed and ran his hands over his face "what did Michael say?"

"Never in a million years basically"

"Yeah he would" he replied "if I did help you, you cannot go anywhere near the souls - they'll hurt you more than me. So I'll go into the building and you stay outside" he said firmly

"Yes! thank you so much Calum" I said and bought him into a hug.

"Where is the building?" I questioned.

"It's on St.George's street at the end of the second alley way - it's not hard to miss it basically screams death and creepiness. But don't go by yourself" he warned "i'll go with you tomorrow - it's a bit to late now" he said.

I nodded and stood up, walking towards the door.

"No problem. Now get home safely yeah?" He questioned and i nodded in reply whilst walking to out of the door.


It had been half an hour and I was still led awake. I'm an impatient person and morning wasn't coming quick enough quite frankly.

Shaking my head I got out of bed and pulled on my coat once again.

I couldn't wait any longer - I'm going to St.George's street. I'm going now and I'm going alone.

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