Chapter 41

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"You may not be pushing me away but you are not fighting to keep me either"


Dylan's POV-

Abbie turned on her heel and started to walk briskly away from us.

"Abbie, wait" I said and she stopped suddenly which caused Luke to nearly crash into her but she didn't turn around.

"I have been kidnapped: twice, beaten up, thrown around and dangled off of the side of a building. I have a broken hand and six broken fingers. My throat hurts and all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry. So can we please drop it and leave?" She said but her voice was cracking.

Luke and I looked at her with sad eyes as she started to walk back down the corridor whilst wrapping her arms around herself.

I sighed heavily and followed her.


When we reached the others they were gathering themselves together and were preparing to leave. Jo pulled Abbie into a hug and I heard faint sniffles come from Abbie.

Ashton whisked us out of the hospital and into the cars, he decided that it would be best if Abbie rode with him, Jo and Mickey whilst me, Luke, Calum, Michael and Faye went back home in the other car - much to Luke and I's distaste.

But we agreed all the same, especially after Jo whisper shouted at Luke and I for putting Abbie in a sticky situation.


When we arrived back at the apartment complex everyone separated and went to their own apartments.

Which was hard for Luke and I as we didn't really have anywhere to go. Abbie had gone into her apartment and shut us out. We did try to go in there but Michael warned us that it may not have been the best idea and that we should stay outside.

It was an intense silence as Luke and I stood in the corridor outside Abbie's apartment. I was staring blankly into space whereas Luke was looking deep in thought.


Luke's POV-

I wonder how she is doing? Is she crying? Sleeping? Hurting? I should be in there trying to piece her back together again, not stuck out here with a dickwad.

Dylan suddenly stood up and started to walk towards the staircase.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"What does it matter to you?" He angrily said back, he walked through the doors and out of sight.

I should be worried, shouldn't he be caring about Abbie too? Surely he would have stayed here if he really cared about her.

Also, he's a lost soul, he could do anything right now that would be totally off the rails. He could hurt someone or worse, get in touch with Crowley again. My blood boiled at the thought and I itched to see Abbie, just to check and see if she was okay.

Sighing in frustration I decided that I needed a distraction to prevent me from going dark side again. After failing to keep my self entertained by humming I started to rummage through my jeans pockets.

I pulled out my wallet, a scrap price of paper, some lose change, a wrist band and a small bouncy ball. I smiled in satisfaction and held the small ball between my thumb and forefinger.

I threw it into the air a few times before getting bored. So, instead I threw it against the wall, caught it on the bounce back and then repeated the action.

It was actually very entertaining, although the ball was making a slight thumping noise as it hit the wall.

I carried on throwing the ball at the wall and catching it, that was until Abbie's door suddenly swung open and scared me half to death.

Abbie stood in the doorway with her hair in a messy bun, her pjs on and she had puffy eyes and cheeks like she had been crying.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a croaky voice.

I quickly stood up, my heart aching at the sight of her upset.

"I'm sorry" I stuttered "I was bored, I didn't mean to wake you" I said and put the ball back into my pocket.

"It's okay, I couldn't sleep" she said whilst shivering "do you want to come in?" She questioned and I nodded excitedly.

She offered me a small smile as I walked into her - our - apartment.

"Where's Dylan?" She questioned and I deflated slightly.

"He went out, I don't know where" I said and I smiled slightly when I saw that she didn't really care and she simply shrugged her shoulders in reply.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. She was leaning against the kitchen counter whilst I was awkwardly swaying in the door way.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly. She slowly looked into my eyes, her blue ones dull and lifeless. She nodded her head confidently as a yes.

But she soon broke down as tears slipped down her rosy cheeks and a small sob sounded from her.

I wasted no time in wrapping her into my arms and rocking her slightly.

"Shhhh" I said and kissed her forehead in hopes of calming her down. Her breaking was quick and panicked and I was struggling to get her to listen to me.

After a few minutes she had calmed down slightly and only soft hiccups and snuffles could be heard from her.

I picked her up bridal style and walked to our bedroom where I lead her down on her side of the bed. I turned, going to walk to my side of the bed, when she suddenly grasped my hand.

"Please don't leave me" she pleaded with wide eyes.

"I won't" I promised and lead down behind her. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and she snuggled into my embrace.

All that could be heard was the constant ticking of the clock and the slight buzz of the TV that was on standby.

"I was so scared" Abbie whispered quietly and I tightened my grip around her, in hopes of making her feel safer.

"I'm sorry" I apologised.

"Is he going to come back?" she timidly asked, referring to Crowley.

"I don't think so" I tried to reassure her "but you can damn well believe that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I don't care if you chose Dylan or me. I will still try and protect you all the same" i assured her.

She was still for a few moments before she turned in my arms to face me.

"Thank you, Luke" she whispered. I smiled and wiped her tears away with my free hand. I cupped her cheek lightly as we stared into each others eyes.

As our lips met I couldn't help but smile. Our lips moved slowly together and the kiss slowly got more passionate. She reached up and tangled her fingers in my hair, but she struggled slightly as her fingers were all bandaged up.

We giggled and pulled away from each other.

"I guess these things are going to take a long time to get use to" she said and looked down at her fingers. I chucked in reply and paced a sweet kiss to her forehead.

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