Chapter 29

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"The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear"

Abbie's POV -

I was awoken from my slumber by panicked yelling from outside my door. As I stumbled into the hall Michael, Calum and Ashton's conversion halted. They turned to look at me with fear in their eyes.

"What?" I asked as they continued to stare at me. Only then did I realise the open bathroom door. The bathroom was empty. Where's Luke?

"Luke's escaped" Ash blurted and Michael glared at the side of his head. I felt my eyes widen as my heartbeat increased.

"We weren't going to tell her, you jackass. We didn't want to worry her, remember?" Michael seethed through gritted teeth.

"What!? Where is he?" I questioned whilst running a hand through my hair.

"We don't know - he escaped. He didn't leave a note" Calum replied sassily.

Okay, someone is still pissed at me.

"Do you have any idea where he could be?" I questioned.

Ash nodded in reply, "yeah we have a few ideas and we're gonna go and check them out now. But you have to stay here"

"It's for your own safety. Luke's probably gonna get stronger and come after you so - just stay inside. Okay?"

I started to protest but they looked at me with harsh glares and I soon stopped.

"Stay here with Jo, Mickey and Faye until we get back"

I nodded and they said goodbye to the other girls before leaving.


The girls and I were currently sat watching 'iron man' in the living room but I couldn't concentrate. My mind was buzzing and worrying about Luke and the other boys.

Then it suddenly dawned on me; I need to meet Dylan today.

"Umm.. I need a shower and some fresh clothes, so I'm going to go up to my apartment and get some" I lied and the other girls didn't tare their gazes away from the TV.

Jo nodded dismissively, "be quick and safe. Okay?"

"Okay" I replied, that was easier than I thought.

I walked up the stairs and into our silent apartment. It was a creepy silence. There was no sign of Dylan anywhere - maybe he forgot.

Shrugging, I walked into the bedroom and started to pull some clothes from my wardrobe. After I had gotten an outfit together I shut the doors.

I let out a tiny scream and spun around as I saw Dylan glowering at me through the reflection of the mirror.

"Did I scare you princess?" He teased in a scratchy voice.

"Don't call me that" I snapped and rolled my eyes.

"So have you decided if you are going to help me?" I questioned apprehensively.

He stared at me blankly for a few moments before sighing deeply.

"This goes against all that I stand for, but fine. But I can't guarantee that you can trust me or that it will work" he said in a bored tone.

A grin made it's way onto my face and I couldn't help it but I hugged his tall frame.

He grunted and swiftly pushed me away.

"Don't touch me - I'm not your friend. I will not hesitate to kill you" he growled.

"Yeah of course" i dismissed "admit it, you care" I teased.

"Do not - for all you know I could only be 'helping you' to try and turn Luke to the darkness even more" he said whist scowling and crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic-ness and muttered a 'whatever'.

"So how do you plan on getting Luke back?" I questioned.

He shrugged "I have to see how far gone he is first and then go from there. Where is he by the way" he finished.

"No idea. He escaped this morning" I replied.

He groaned in response "this makes it a whole lot more complicated" he said whilst running a hand over his face.

"Why?" I asked. But he didn't get to answer as the door suddenly swung open and Luke stood in the doorway. He had very pale skin and his eyes and veins had gotten darker.

His glare was set on me but it wondered slightly to Dylan.

His gaze got harsher - if that was possible. And he suddenly lunged for Dylan.

He tackled him to the floor and their were punches being angrily thrown. There was also a lot of aggressive shouting and growling coming from both boys.

"What are you doing here?" Luke yelled whist punching Dylan's nose. Dylan stopped fighting and smirked up at Luke.

"I came here to see Abbie, my misses, we have been seeing each other for months. We were even fucki-" he mocked but got cut off by Luke angrily yelling and punching him wildly once again. They rolled around on the floor, wrestling and punching each other. Whilst I just stood there not knowing what to do.

The wind knocked out of me, when I was suddenly knocked to the floor. My head flew backwards, hitting the hardwood floor and I let out a cry in pain.

Scared, I glanced up and saw Dylan smirking down at me with a sinister smile. His eyes were dark and un-readable. He raised his fist and I prepared myself for the impact.

But it never came.

Thus being because Luke yelled, ran and tacked Dylan off of me.

"Don't touch her" he yelled.

Everything was silent for a few minutes.

Dylan smirked up at Luke and I looked confused at the two of them.

Luke's head suddenly snapped up and his gaze met mine. His eyes were black but I swear they faded slightly.

Angrily shaking his head. Luke suddenly jumped up and stormed out of the room.

"What the hell was that?" I replied breathlessly.

"That was Luke's humanity showing through. I've found his weakness, I know how to help him" Dylan said with a satisfied grin.

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