Chapter 13

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Abbie's POV-

I tugged my night shirt over my head and the creaking of my bedroom door caused my head to snap up towards it.

I stood silently for a few minutes staring at the door with my heartbeat loud in my ears.

I tilted my head to the side slightly as I was sure I closed the door - which meant someone had to open it.

Then I was sure my heart stopped.

Thus being because four spindly, black fingers curled themselves around the edge of my door before pulling it closed and shutting me inside my room with whatever that thing was behind the door.

Tears of panic rushed down my cheeks and I cupped my mouth with my hand to stop any strangled sobs from escaping.

I wasn't alone. Luke isn't here.

Panicking thoughts circled my head and they haltered when the creaking of my floorboards outside of my door sounded.

Shakily and silently I grabbed my landline phone and rushed to my wardrobe. I crouched down in the footwell and covered myself as quietly as possible.

I curled into a ball and dialled Luke's number.

It rang three times before I was met with the answer machine.

Cursing I shakily whispered "Luke its me, there's someone in the house. They were in my room Luke! they're still in the house! Oh my g-" but I was cut off when there was a loud crackling sound.

I glanced down at the phone and strangled sobs escaped my chest when I realised that they cut the phone wires.

Panic erupted through me and i was shaking whilst thinking of all the terrible possibilities.

Perhaps I could still ring like from my mobile. That's it! I'll ring him and he'll save me - hopefully.

As silently as I could I crawled out of the wardrobe and searched my jacket pocket. My phone wasn't there. I must've left it downstairs.

I started to shake and cry again whilst getting to my feet.

I contemplated opening the window and shouting for help when an unpleasant smell met my nose.


I crept towards my door and looked at the bottom to see flicks and swirls of smoke entering my bedroom. Whatever that thing was set the house on fire.

Panic and adrenaline coursed through me but what I did next was really stupid.

As silently as possible I opened the door and crept towards the opening of the stairs. Smoke clouded my vision and my breathing but I still managed to peer down the stairs to look for the intruder.

After failing to see 'it' I walked as quickly as possible down the stairs when the crackling of fire was all I could hear. Horror streaked through me when I glanced up and saw that the front door/entrance was being swallowed by flames.

My inner idiot decided that it would be a good idea to not go back upstairs but to go to the back door to escape. So that's what I did.

I tiptoed as quietly as possible into the living room and opened the kitchen door. It creaked loudly and I was met with the darkness of the kitchen. Before I could take another step, pain overtook my body.


3rd persons view -

Abbie's body dropped to the floor and the man with the long spindly black fingers simply chuckled whilst dragging her by her feet to the centre of the living room.

He soaked all of the curtains and sofa cousins with gasoline before lighting them with a match and closing the doors and windows.

He crouched before Abbie and moved the hair away from her face. His face was hard and had dark black shadows outlining his eyes and sinister smirk.

Abbie's mind was foggy and her lungs were filling with smoke. She started to gain consciousness but was a coughing and spluttering mess, helplessly crying out for luke.

"He can't save you" the mans voice said. It was scratchy and deep - like it was destined to be feared.

"No one can" he finished whilst smiling darkly at Abbie before rising to his feet.

He sprayed the kitchen doorway with gasoline but before he set it alight he scratched something into the mirror above the fire place.

Slowly he walked out of the room, set the doorway alight and waved mockingly at Abbie before leaving via the backdoor.

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