Chapter 16

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Michaels POV -

It's been about two hours now and we are still waiting in the hospital. Luke has calmed down a lot, and he's now asleep with his head resting in Jo's lap whilst clutching her phone which is still playing videos.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair - I don't see how hospitals can be seen as a calming place; I'm going crazy. All it is is far too bright walls and the smell of infection covered up with cheep anti-bacterial wash. It's disgusting - also there are so many lost souls around here; it's like it's a breeding hotspot.

I clear my thoughts as a male doctor approaches us with a pristine white lab coat and a clip board.

" or friends of Abbie Allen?" he questions and I stand up.

"Uh, were the friends" I said, gesturing to Jo and I "he's the boyfriend" I awkwardly finished whilst looking down at Luke.

"Oh, well I appreciate that this is a tough time for you all but Abbie is awake. We are running some final tests then you will be able to see her soon - could you follow me to sign some papers?" he stated and I nodded in reply.

I signed for Abbie's release and for her prescription.

"Would you like to see her now?" the doctor questioned. I looked back and Jo and Luke and nodded.

"I'll stay out here with Luke until he wakes up, you go in first" Jo said and i agreed.

The doctor walked me up to the door but left me there when a nurse said that there was another patient that needed his assistance.

I pushed open the door and my eyes landed on Abbie. She looked weak and pale as she sat in the hospital bed. Her eyes met mine and she lifter her arms from the bed, signalling that she wanted a hug. As I wrapped my arms around her I heard her sniffle into my shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe now" I assured her whist rubbing her back.

She wiped her tears and said "where's Luke?"

"Uh he's outside sleeping. It was quite traumatic for him" I started to explain but was cut off when the room door swung open - hitting the wall in the process - and Luke stumbled in, with Jo following closely behind him.

"Abbie?" he questioned "Oh thank god! you're okay!" he said whilst engulfing her in a hug. I smiled at the sight of the both of them before wrapping my arm around Jo's shoulder and leading her out the room to give them some privacy.


Luke's POV -

I wrapped my arms tighter around Abbie as tears started to fill my eyes. I pulled away from the hug as Abbie wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I said whilst cupping her face "I should have been there. I shouldn't have left you alone - I had one job and I screwed it up! If I hadn't listened to Ashton or maybe if I insisted that I took you with me then you wouldn't be in the hospital. Maybe if I-" I started to ramble but was cut off by Abbie's lips on mine.

"Shut up" she mumbled against my lips. I grinned and pulled away from her.

She smiled sheepishly at me before continuing. "You didn't know that it was going to happen - no one could have predicted it. It's not your fault" she assured me whist shifting on the bed slightly to allow room for me to sit down.

I sat down and faced her whist sighing. She took my hands in hers.

"You look exhausted!" she commented whilst looking at me with concern.

"Yeah" I agreed "a lot happened whilst you were passed out" I finished whist playing with her fingers.

"What happened?" she questioned and tilted my chin with her hand to make me look at her.

"Uh, Well I was angry and upset about what happened and basically when we arrived at the hospital there were a lot of lost souls around" she nodded and I continued.

"And they were taunting and teasing me - they were trying to persuade me to turn dark" angry tears started to fill my eyes and my voice wavered slightly.

Abbie wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back to calm me down.

"It nearly happened! I nearly turned dark, Michael saved me though" i croaked whist snuggling into her embrace.

"It's okay - it's all gonna be okay! it's over now. Right?" she asked and pulled away from the hug.

"Right." I confirmed. Well, I hope it's over - I don't think I have enough mental stability to deal with anything else.

I shook those negative thoughts out of my head and smiled reassuringly at Abbie - silently praying for it all to be over.

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