Chapter 4

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Abbie's POV -

Letting out a shaky breath, I fiddled with my fingers and tried to avoid Luke's intense stare.

"So, basically. I'm your guardian" Luke stated.

"Yeah" I countered. "We've covered that"

Luke rolled his eyes but continued anyway.

"A guardian is" he gestured with his hands." Kinda like your guardian angel. One of us is appointed to every new born child at birth - we are supposed to age with our 'human', protect our 'human' and eventually make ourselves known to them when the time is right"

"So, is now the right time for us?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"Let me finish." He stated sharply, staring me straight in the eye with an intense stare.

"We hide in plain sight. We are human - yes - but not full human. You see, we are, and can turn, invisible to any 'normal' human eye. We are only supposed to become visible if our appointed human wants us too or if the time is right"

"What do you mean 'if our appointed human wants us too' ?" I asked, lowering my voice to imitate Luke.

He scowled at me, obviously he didn't appreciate me questioning him again.

"Don't interrupt." He scolded. "what I mean is, say you get very sad or lonely - or there is a moment in your life where your emotions are heightened. Then - and only then will our 'human' want or accidentally see us. We-"

"Is that what happened to us?" I again interrupted.

Luke threw his hands in the air and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Jesus Christ! can you not interrupt for five seconds? lord all mighty!" he groaned whilst rubbing his temples.

"Listen, you sit tight, let me finish explaining. Then, and only then, i'll let you ask me some questions. Okay?" He scowled at me whilst raising his eyebrows.

"Okay" I replied. " But first don't patronise me! I'm not five! Okay?" I retaliated.

He cocked one eyebrow and muttered a 'feisty' under his breath.

"Anyway!" he continued "your guardians purpose is to protect you and to kind of be like your...your soulmate" he glanced at me and placed his finger on my lips as he could see I wanted to ask a question.

"Uh-uh, no talking from you" I pouted and he smirked.

"Basically. Us guardians protect our human from...everything really. We stop you making bad choices, getting into accidents - although it doesn't always work - and we are supposed to make you fall for us. That's what the plan is anyway - and stratified plans never work out" he once again rolled his eyes and glanced at me.

We sat in silence just staring at each other for a few minutes.

"Well?" I urged him to go on.

"What?..oh, no that's it. You can ask questions now"

"Really? That's it?" he nodded in reply.

"Okay then, first question. You said that you would become visible to your 'human' when the time is right. What do you mean by that?"

He sighed."The time is supposed to be right when the guardian thinks that their human is ready or could possibly want to be with their soul mate" he glanced at me and I nodded to show that I was following what he was saying.

"The plan is that the guardian would start to make itself visible when around its human, try to attract them and then live happily ever after with their human - have perfect babies and live happy-go-lucky lives. But that" he commented " never happens"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the guardian is appointed at birth right?" I nodded. "So that whole guardians life is built solely around this one human beings life. They live just to see their human happy or smile! That's why they would to absolutely anything to make their humans life amazing. The guardian falls deeply and hopelessly in love with their human" he smiled sadly at me.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I caught his stare.

"But imagine seeing the girl that you love - that you are practically living for - put herself down everyday. Imagine seeing that girl be slated by her family, and feel absolutely hopeless because you can't to anything about it. Imagine the rage that we feel" he cleared his throat. "when we see the girl we love go out with a friggin douchebag and can't do anything about it. We can't do anything because we're not allowed to show ourselves. It's not part of the 'plan'." He shook his head. "imagine not being able to comfort your crying and heartbroken love just because that same douchebag broke up with her just because she didn't want to kiss him!" he ranted.

I gasped. He was talking about Tony. Tony was - is - the douchebag that I went out with two summers ago. I thought it was love, I really did. He was my Prince Charming in my darkest hour. We did everything together. But the furthest I felt comfortable going was hugging the dude! (I was 16) He said he was okay with that, but one night we were at Jo's crazy house party - and he was absolutely wasted - whereas I was not. He tried to kiss me, but I wasn't having any of it! I wasn't gonna have my first kiss with a drunkard in a closet! He got angry. Very angry, and he said some horrible things. Then he left and he never spoke to me again. I have been single ever since.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Why are you apologising? it's not your fault it's the systems fault!"

I caught his intense gaze once again.

"What happens to the guardians then?What if the douchebag really wasn't a douchebag? what if he went out with your human and possibly married your human? what would happen to you?"

I questioned frantically.

Luke glanced at me with a lazy smirk. "Then, the guardian would turn dark."

Guardian *COMPLETED* (Dark luke hemmings story)Where stories live. Discover now