Chapter 18

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Abbie's POV-

I stood apprehensively at my parents door, contemplating wether or not to actually ring the doorbell or to run away. I felt Luke's hand intwine with mine; even though he had turned invisible, and it gave me a surge of confidence.

Straightening my posture I pressed the door bell and waited, rather impatiently, for one of my parents to answer the door.

The locks clicked then the wooden door swung open, I was immediately met with the smell of strong cleaning products and the musk of my fathers aftershave.

"Abbie!" my mother squealed with delight "you actually came"

She said, sounding surprised whilst ushering me inside.

"I thought you would have ditched us at the last minute; like you normally do!" she exclaimed as my father walked around the corner and came into view. He hugged me and then they both stood back and scrutinised the way I looked.

"You could have at least dressed nicely and appropriately" my mother said whist tutting.

I looked down at my outfit; a pair of Luke's skinny jeans, one of Jo's jumpers and I had my old Dr.Martens on.

"Yeah, well I don't have much because you know - it's not like my house burned down, along with all of my belongings" I replied sarcastically whist rolling my eyes.

But by the looks of it my comment was disregarded as my parents turned and sat at the kitchen table/island.

I followed suit and fiddled with my wrist bands; something I did when I was nervous or bored. In this case bored.

"So, Abigail" my father began "how were you so careless as to let your house catch fire"

"Yes, or how did you annoy someone so much that they felt the need to do that" my mother finished.

I refrained from rolling my eyes. I didn't do anything to anyone! it's all their fault! They should have followed the system!

I didn't say anything as they continued to question and scold me. I blanked out what they were saying and occasionally nodded.

"Oh! I forgot" I suddenly interrupted their rant not being able to take it any longer "I invited my boyfriend round for this lunch - he should be here any minute" I finished, silently praying that Luke would take the hint.

"Boyfriend? since when do you get or attract boys?" my mother said. I felt my eye twitch with annoyance but soon sighed with relief as the doorbell rang.

"That's probably him - I'll get it!" I said whist rushing out the room.

I flung open the door and immediately grabbed like into a hug. He chuckled and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"If we run really fast we could get away - they're older than us! they won't be able to catch us!" I whisper yelled whilst tugging Luke's arm.

"No, I wanna hear what they say about me" like replied whilst shutting the door and making his way to the kitchen. I grumbled under my breath but followed.

"Umm...mum, dad this is my boyfriend Luke. Luke, this is my mum and dad" I said whist gesturing between them.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Allen" Luke said politely.

My mother grimaced as she took in Luke's - punk - style.

My father nodded in reply to Luke but my mom said "Luke could you give us a minute?" and he nodded and left the room.

"Abbie! you cannot date that...that.. bad boy!" my mother exclaimed whist throwing her arms around.

I just watched in amusement as her and my dad scolded me once again for bringing the new 'generation of thug' into their house.

I glanced past my parents and caught sight of Luke leaning against the doorframe and smirking. He gestured towards the door and mouthed a "run on three" I grinned and nodded in reply.

He held up three fingers and set them down one at a time whilst mouthing "one, two, three". I saw him break into a sprint and I giggled but started to run too.

I ran past the living room and heard my mother and father screen and curse at me in protest but that didn't matter. Luke grabbed my hand and we carried on running - out of the house, out of the street and out of the neighbourhood.

As we neared Jo's apartment we slowed down to a walk whist panting and laughing.

"Did you see their faces!" Luke said whist releasing a deep chuckle. I giggled in reply.


As we entered Jo's apartment I was immediately tackled to the ground in a hug. I glanced up in pain and saw Faye and Mickey grinning down at me.

"Abbie!" Faye exclaimed "you're alive - back from the dead!"

"Yeah" Mickey countered "we were so worried when we heard about the fire!"

They continued to ramble but were soon pulled off of me by Jo.

"Alright dumb and dumber, give the girl some room!"she said whist chucking.

Faye and Mickey started to argue about which of them would be dumb and which would be dumber whist Jo and I watched in amusement.

"Girls?" Michael asked and we all fell silent whilst looking at him. "Would you like some drinks?"

We all nodded and walked into the kitchen. As we poured our drinks and laughed at silly jokes and we made plans for the evening.

"Hold on, i'll go tell my mom that I'm not going home till late" Faye said whilst leaving the room to find her phone.

The conversation picked up once again but only to be cut off when an ear piercing scream filled the air.

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