The End? (Part 1)

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"And they say you tell him every day,
how you can feel the way I feel.
How we're connected by the heart,
and you're convinced it's something real.
Well, if that's true I hope you're smiling,
like I am from ear to ear"
- Go To Hell (Go Radio) ❤️

Two and a half years later.

Abbie's POV-

My make-up covered cheeks puffed out as I let out a huge breath of air. The quick movement of the air caused my fringe to wisp upwards before settling on my forehead once again.

The room was calm which contrasted greatly with my inside emotions. I glanced around whilst fiddling with the loose ties of my bracelet.

"Just breathe, Abbie" I coached myself "you'll be no use of you pass out" I said before groaning and putting a hand to my face.

It was no use, I'm never going to be calm.

Glancing at the clock on the wall once again. I watched as it mockingly ticked slower just to add to my anticipation.

Shaking my head I stood up whilst grumbling to myself. Looking in the large floor-to-ceiling mirror I gave my reflection a once over.

Scrunching my nose I tilted my head to inspect the way that I looked. My red hair was in an uncomfortable up-do that Faye had spent hours doing. It was held up by three cans of hairspray and a shit load of bobby pins - but it looked okay to say the least.

My face was pale with natural make-up applied to try and make me look presentable.

Sighing, I flattened out the wrinkles off of my white dress. It was simple yet elegant - For once in my life I wanted something that wasn't complicated.

It was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline, that was tight to the the waist and then flowed to my knees.

A veil was placed at the top of my ponytail that supported my little-bit-up-little-bit-down hair style.

A pair of white lace Dr. Martian boots clad my feet; ones that my mother would have a heart attack if she saw me wearing on my wedding day. But then again, that didn't matter. I wasn't going for traditional - I was going "me" a style that I was finally accepting All because of him; the love of my life.

I smiled at the thought of him and the amazing times we've had for the past two years - but my thoughts were interrupted by a loud Michael stumbling through the door.

"Heyyyy" he exaggerated whilst closing the door "how's the bride to be?" He joked as he stepped closer to me and took my hands in his.

"Nervous" I stated "I think I'm gonna puke" I said seriously.

"Hey now" Michael said "none of that! You have no reason to be nervous! You're getting married! This is gonna be the best day of your life! I mean you are marrying one of my best friends - which is surprising because I didn't think you'd pick him - but anyways I may have hated him at the start but I know he's right for you" Michael stated seriously.

"Thanks mike" I said and smiled at him.

"Now come on" he said and clapped his hands "are you ready? I have to walk you down the isle" he said and he sounded excited.

Yes, after much thought and pleading. I eventually asked Michael to be the one to walk me down the isle. Considering the fact that my parents disowned me and also I didn't really know who else to ask. Besides, its only going to be a small wedding with me, the groom, the guys and girls and Jake. That's it but that's all I need.

I nodded and turned to grab my flowers before I walked out of the room.

"Just breathe" Michael said "okay just remember nothing can go wrong, it's all under cont-" he started to say but was interrupted by an excited Calum also bursting into the room.

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