Chapter 8

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Abbie's POV -

After my shift I closed up the restaurant and turned to walk home. I froze in my step as I looked up and saw Luke leaning up against the wall of the restaurant resembling some kind of God.

He stood with his arms crossed leaning back against the wall with his Ray bands perched upon his nose. His blonde hair shone in the sunlight and his piercings reflected the bright light.

Shaking myself out of my trance I willed my legs to take some steps forward whilst trying to act natural as I walked to the corner. As I got closer Luke smirked and moved away from the wall slightly.

"Like what you see princess?" he questioned whilst gesturing to himself.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself Luke" I scoffed.

"Stop restraining yourself princess, I know you want me" he replied lowering his voice whilst pressing himself up against me slightly.

I shifted uncomfortably and he grinned at my reaction.

"Relax I'm only joking around" Luke replied and then started to walk home with me trailing closely behind.


I walked into my house and Luke followed closely behind and shut the door.

"So, what shall we do now?" he questioned whilst slipping off his shoes.

"I don't know what do you wanna do? do you wanna watch a film?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to reply when it suddenly dawned on me.

"Where do you sleep? you haven't got a room - or a bed for that matter! oh my gosh I'm so sorry I should have set up the spare bedroom last night but-" Luke interrupted me.

"It doesn't matter I've adjusted to turning invisible and resting in your chair that is by your bed" he said whilst shrugging.

"That must be awfully uncomfortable"

"I got used to it"

We stood in silence for a few minutes before I got an idea.

"Come with me" I said whilst grabbing his hand and tugging him upstairs.

I pulled him into the 'spare bedroom'. It was an average size room that was painted magnolia and had a double bed placed in the centre of the room flushed against the wall. To the right of the bed there was a large empty closet and to the left there was a small dressing table/desk with a spiny chair pushed underneath it.

"I know it's not much but I think it'll do" I said nervously. "I have some paint in the shed out back so we can paint one of the walls if you'd like. And perhaps we could go shopping to buy you some clothes to fill the closet - and then you can customise the room with posters and pictures of you'd like?" I started to ramble as I glance at Luke.

He looked around the room before looking down into my eyes. An emotion flashed quickly in his eyes but it disappeared as fast as it came. It was strange like... Happiness or deep affection but I don't know I probably imagining it.

"This is perfect thanks" he said "but are you sure? I fine with sleeping on the chair" he said whilst glancing at me once again.

His stare made my heart flutter and I looked down at the floor from the intensity of it.

"Nonsense, it's fine but I do think you need a bit of colour in here" I said whilst inspecting the room.

"Yeah okay"


We went down into the shed and picked out some brushes and paint. Luke picked a dark greyish colour and then we planned to get some black and white bedding and band posters for the walls. I think it's going to look pretty cool to be honest.

We walked back upstairs, covered the floor and furniture with dust sheets to protect them from the paint and then started to prepare the walls for the paint.

Luke decided that he wanted the wall which the bed was pressed against to be the only one with the grey coating and the other three walls to stay magnolia. I shouldn't take too long so we should finish it today.

"So, what's your favourite TV programme?" I asked Luke whilst starting to paint the wall.

He chuckled whilst replying. "I have learnt to either like it - or - lump it when it came to your music and tv programme taste. Because let's face it, if I didn't like something I couldn't exactly say 'hey Abbie turn this song over its getting on my nerves' now could I?"

He said whilst running a roller over the wall.

"Oh I'm sorry" I apologised.

"Like I said don't apologise it's not your fault" he said "and besides I like quite a few of the things you like - for example - I like the tv show supernatural and criminal minds. My favourite supernatural episode is probably yellow fever, oh no wait.... the French mistake actually, it's so funny. Jensen cracks me up" he stated and I grinned because we liked the same episode.

"What's your favourite band?" I asked.

"Umm... that's a hard decision because I like sleeping with sirens and pierce the veil. But my chemical romance has grown on me over the last few weeks" I grinned. Finally someone who appreciated my kind of music.

"What's your favourite MCR song?" I asked.

"Umm... I like disenchanted the most I think"

'Luke has good taste in music' i thought whilst smiling.


After an hour or two we had finished painting and put all of the furniture in the places Luke wanted it to go. His room looked awesome and we planned to got the the mall tomorrow to get clothes, posters and bedding.

I glance around his room and noticed a small guitar standings in the far corner of his room.

"Hey Luke? how did that guitar get in here? is it yours?" I questioned.

Luke picked up the guitar "yeah it's mine. Like with my clothes and other belongings I can turn them invisible, so yeah I decided I wanted it to stand in the far corner" he said whilst sitting on his bed and lightly strumming the guitar.

"So you can play it?" I asked and he nodded in reply.

"Play me something" I asked.

"Oh no, I'm not very good trust me I have no exp-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Please, I won't judge and besides you'll never know you could be and probably are amazing" I said and he sighed before muttering an 'okay'.

He sat cross cross facing me on the bed and positioned his hands on a fret before starting to play.

"A drop in the ocean,

A change in the weather,

I want praying that you and me might end up together.

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,

But I'm holding you closer than most,

Cus' you are my heaven"

His voice was amazing and I sat there shocked as he finished. It was not like anything in had ever heard before.

"Sorry that was probably really bad - but I've never sung in front of anyone before. I've made a huge embar-" I cut him off once again by throwing my arms around him and hugging him.

"That's one of my favourite songs, and you just made it even better! your voice is amazing" I gushed. There was a tinge of pink on his cheeks as he looked modestly down at his hand that were placed in his lap.

"Uhh... thanks Abbie - that means a lot" he said whilst smiling at me.

"No problem. But expect me to ask you to sing me to sleep a lot." I said whilst lying back on his bed.

"Okay" he chuckled and led back in the bed with me.

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