Chapter 42

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"Wipe that dust off yourself,
Even if you've been through hell; you're back"

"Losing, well, it sometimes burns, but you keep moving on.
You've got to grow strong like you're leading the nation.
Got to make the best out of this situation,
Get your hands up like it's a celebration;
And you keep moving on"

- Gavin Degraw (Everything Will Change)


Abbie's POV -

I woke up early, 6:15 to be exact. The sun was just starting to rise and was lighting up the room slightly.

I rolled over and into Luke who wrapped his arms tighter around me but stayed asleep. My eyes scanned over his flawless face and I sighed in conflict.

The kiss, last night, felt good and familiar. It was warming to know that Luke still felt the same passion towards me as he always has, this was portrayed in his kisses.

However, I couldn't help but feel bad for Dylan; As he also made butterfly's gather in my stomach when he looked at me and caused my head to spin when he kissed me.

I don't know what came over me last night, I specifically warned myself not to lead either of them on, or to make one of them feel as though they had the upper hand over the other. But i did it anyways. I just needed comfort last night and security - no doubt that if Dylan was in Luke's place I would have kissed him.

Cursing silently to myself I sat up and put my head in my hands. How am I supposed to chose between the both of them?

My movement caused Luke to stir awake and he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Morning" he said in his gruff morning voice and smiled at me. I smiled weakly in reply and got out of the bed.

He followed suit and stood in front of me.

"What's wrong?" he asked and frowned slightly at me.

"Nothing" I weakly assured him "what are you doing today?" I asked, trying to avoid the awkward conversation.

"Not much, although I do need to ask Jo and Michael something at some point" he said and lent up against the kitchen doorway.

"Okay" I said and switched on the kettle "what about?" I asked whilst reaching for two mugs.

"Just something" he said suspiciously and I turned around to look at him - he simply looked at me innocently and smiled, poking his tongue out slightly.

I shrugged and went back to making the morning coffees.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Well I think I'm going to go to the restaurant, because ya know, I haven't been to work for a while - neither have you actually, and I should probably see if we have been fired or not" I explained an she chuckled slightly.

"Oh yeah" he said "I completely forgot about the whole working thing" he finished and I smiled slightly at the way he put it.

After we had breakfast we both got ready and we're getting ready to leave. I was just about to open the front door when I turned around and looked at Luke.

"Where's Dylan?" I asked with confusion and a look of surprise flashed across his face along with something else.

"I have no idea, he stormed out last night and I don't know if he came back" he said and shrugged whilst standing by the door.

"Oh" I muttered and looked down at my bag, rummaging through it to try and find my purse for cab money.

"So, I'll meet you back here yeah?" Luke questioned. I nodded and smiled at him, he grinned back and cupped my cheek, bringing me in for a kiss.

Our lips pressed together and my hands held onto his forearms to prevent my from falling over due to my weak knees. He parted my lips slightly and our kiss got more passionate.

However, I swiftly pulled away as there was an annoying nagging voice in the back of my head screaming "what about Dylan?!?"

He looked at me slightly confused so I pecked his lips quickly before explaining how I wanted to get to work as quick as possible in order to be able to get home quicker.

He agreed and swung open the door, after pecking my lips numerous times, and walked down the corridor waving as he went. He had a slight skip in his step and he hummed as he was waiting for the lift.

I locked the apartment door but then swiftly had to open it when I realised i didn't have my phone.

"Shoot" I muttered as I looked around the kitchen quickly to try and find it. I ran back to my bag which was slumped near the open front door.

I sifted through, it in hopes of finding my phone, but I froze when the door slowly closed.

My breath hitched when I heard someone's breathing and fidgeting behind me. Bracing myself I turned around slowly only to jump backwards at Dylan's close proximity to me.

He smiled at me with his hands behind his back.

"Sorry" he said "I didn't mean to scare you"

"No it's fine" I waved him off "I still just a little bit jumpy from the whole Crowley fiasco" I explained and he looked at me sadly.

"I really am sorry about that" he said.

"What? It's not your fault. It was a triple effort" I jokingly said.

"Yeah well anyway, I figured you might need some cheering up so; here" he said and bought his hands from behind his back.

He was holding a bunch of purple roses and tulips; my favourite flowers. I gasped and took in their beauty.

"W..what? How did you....?" I stuttered and reached for them "these are extremely rare! How did you get them in such a short time?"

"I know some people" he said modestly and smiled at me.

"Thank you" I said and hugged him.

"That's quite all right" he said "however, that's not all. Will you come with me Madame?" He asked In a fake 'posh' voice.

"I will kind sir" I giggled and joined his arm in mine.

We started to walk down the corridor and I stopped in our path.

"Wait, I have to go to work" I sighed and looked at him sadly but he just chuckled in reply.

"That's okay we can go and see if you still have your job and then go on our date afterwards" he shrugged and carried in walking, dragging me slightly.

"Oh, so this is a date?" I giggled and he grinned in reply.

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