Chapter 6

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Abbie's POV -

The angry beeping from my alarm startled me awake and I stumbled out of bed and made my way downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen I walked to the kettle and switched it on whilst reaching up to grasp a mug from the shelf.

"Morning" a gruff voice startled me.

I spun round to face luke. So it wasn't a dream. He's real. The whole situation is real. I blinked rapidly in his direction before composing my self and clearing my throat.

"Good morning." I replied hesitantly." Would you like some tea?" I asked.

"Sure" he replied whilst biting his lip and scanning my body with his eyes. I was confused at first but then realised that me reaching up had caused my shorts to rise up my legs and my top to reveal parts of my stomach. I blushed and tugged them down whilst starting to make the mugs of tea.

"Um, I have to go to work today and I'll pretty much be out all day so what are you gonna do?" I questioned.

"I'll do what I always do" he lazily replied whilst drawing shapes on the counter top with his fingertips.

"And what's that?"

"Turn invisible and watch out for you" he replied in a 'duh' tone. "Seriously just because you know I'm your guardian doesn't mean I'm gonna suddenly stop what I've always done." He said whilst staring deeply into my eyes.

"Right, um okay then. Im gonna go and get ready" I said whilst turning to leave.

"Sure thing princess. I'll be right here waiting for you." Luke replied whilst winking at me.


Sighing I locked my front door and started to walk to work.

"I like your hair like that" Luke commented causing me to jump as he suddenly appeared next to me.

He chuckled "you are so jumpy suddenly. Jesus, it's not like I'm gonna hurt you. You can relax" he relied whilst smirking.

Cheeky bastard. I wanna smack that smirk right off his face. I bet if he was in this situation he would have a hard time dealing with this too.

"Yeah whatever" I replied whilst quickening my pace.

I flounced into the empty restaurant. It was no surprise that it was empty really; it was only 8:00.

I turned expecting to find Luke following me but then remembered that he turned invisible as we turned the corner. This is going to take a while to get used to. Knowing that someone is stood directly beside you watching your every move. It's comforting in a strange way.

I cleared my thoughts as Jo skipped through the kitchen doors into the bar.

"Good morning Abz" she said in a happy tone.

"Morning" I replied.

"So, Tina and jared have been fired and sandy has called in sick - something about the world spinning too fast for her"

That was typical of sandy she's such a hypocrite.

"I don't know - but anyway it was only gonna be you and I working today so I took the liberty of taking control of the situation and hired Mickey and Faye to work here" jo said whilst using over enthusiastic hand gestures.

"Ah, cool when are they getting here"

"Any time soon" she replied just as the door swung oped and Mickey skipped in whilst Faye shuffled in tiredly.

"We've come to the rescue" mickey said flamboyantly.

"Awesome." Jo said happily.


It was lunchtime and they typical rush swarmed the restaurant/bar. We were all working hard and it was starting to become a rather stuffy environment.

I hadn't been able to concentrate. Thus, being because every customer I helped/served I couldn't help but think, who was their guardian? Have they already seen them? were they invisible? were there any 'lost souls' in the restaurant?

I was trying not to dwell on my thoughts and scanned the restaurant to make sure everything was okay. Mindless chatter and shrieks filled the air. Everything seemed normal until my eyes landed on one particular table.

It has seated 4 lads. All of them wearing black clothing, they had tattoos and piercings One of them had dyed red hair whilst another had dark brown hair with blonde streaks through it. The other two were blondes.

What really caught my attention was the fact that one of the blondes was Luke. My Luke - well my guardian. Was I supposed to be able to see him right now? could anyone else?

Sensing my stare he turned around and caught my gaze. He smirked and started to talk to the other 3 boys. They all simultaneously turned and looked at me. Well, that obviously means they were talking about me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to wipe he bar down.

"Ya know staring is rude princess" Luke said whilst leaning against the bar in front of me.

"I could say the same for you" I replied whilst scowling at him. "Wait, you aren't invisible now right?" I asked

He chuckled and said "no I'm in my human form"

I breathed a sigh of relief "thank the Lord, I could have looked like a loony bin if I was talking to an empty space"

"Are the boys you're with also guardians?" I asked.

"Yers" he replied. Then he suddenly looked exited."Come with me I've been waning to introduce you to them for a while" he said

I hesitated - what if they were dangerous. They looked dangerous.

"Nothing will happen to you. I won't let it" Luke said whilst touching my arm "and besides they are harmless - they just look intimidating. Really they are just like exited puppies"

I giggled and he grinned.

"Okay then" I said whilst throwing down my towel.

Luke smiled, took my hand and lead me over to his friends table.

Guardian *COMPLETED* (Dark luke hemmings story)Where stories live. Discover now