Thank you so much for the 300k readers! It means a lot to me that so many people read my imagines. Season 2 is coming out soon, so I might going to write more. If you have any ideas on what I should write let me know! (I will credit you if I use the idea) I hope you enjoy this one!
You're sitting by the fire, something that you used to do with him. You two would stay up all night, smoke weed, laugh till your stomachs were hurting, and you would kiss until the sun would come up. But that is all in the past. It has been a year since he got lost at sea. He's most likely dead, but you don't want to believe that. There is always a chance that he could've made it, that he survived the storm.
A year ago, John B had to run away in the Phantom to escape the police and Ward Cameron. JB was accused of killing sheriff Peterkin, which isn't true. So the cops chased him into a tropical depression, and they lost him. That day will be on your mind forever. He is, was, the love of your life. It had never been easy. You were a kook, and JB was a pogue. But you found each other and never left.
A few meters away from you, Topper is sitting with Sarah, looking at you.
'Earlier today, she looked so happy,' Topper quietly said.
'It's the nights that are the hardest. Sometimes she still wakes up because of the nightmares,' Sarah says. Sarah had been staying with you at the chateau, not wanting to go home.
'You know, at the beach, she said she likes me.'
'Wait, she likes you?' A laugh rolled over her lips.
'What? Okay, I'm going to try not to be offended at that.'
'No! N-no, n-no, it's just that John B... John B was epic for her. They were the great love story. That girl's heart beat for John B Routledge. It's just that... It never occurred to me that she would be with anyone else. He was perfect. He was everything. I mean... That man turned her world.'
Topper looks at Sarah in silence.
'I spooked you. Don't be spooked. It's just that I didn't expect her to be with anyone so soon. It has been a year, I know. But still. I think, sometimes, she still hopes he would come back. But you have changed, for the better, and now I can see it. She could really use something good in her life right now.'
'Thanks, Sarah. I know she's staying at the chateau. I'm glad you're there with her.'
Sarah sighs. 'I just can't go home. It has been a year, and he is still walking around like he owns the place. Not only is he to blame for JB's death, he also killed sheriff Peterkin, JB's dad, and god knows who ells he hurt to get the gold. And in the end, he got it. I hate him. I just can't imagine he could do something like that.'
'People can surprise you. I'm going to sit with Y/N for a moment.' Topper stands up from the grass and walks over to you. He sits down next to you on a fallen tree.
'Hey,' he says.
You look at him, and Topper can just see that it's not right.
'Y/N, are you high?'
You roll your eyes.
'Everybody gets high sometimes, you know.'
'I thought you quit.'
'I tried. What else can I do when I'm feeling low?'
'Talk to me.'
You don't say anything. You can't talk about it. You had been talking about it with your friends, how it made you feel, how it fucked you up. Every time you cried, and you were so sick of crying. So you just stopped talking about it.
'Take a deep breath and let it go. I'm here.'
Tears formed in your eyes as you did what Topper said.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. 'You shouldn't be drowning on your own. I'm here for you. If you need a good cry or a good laugh. Or we can just sit and say nothing. We can stay up all night if that's what you need but don't push me away. You need people to get you out of this mess. You're not going to make it on your own. Nobody would.'
Tears rolled down your cheek as you looked at Topper.
'I know you may no-.'
You interrupted him by putting your lips against his. This is exactly what you needed right now. You're going to be just fine.

Outerbanks Imagine
FanfictionOuterbanks imagines! . If you want to read something specific, please send me a dm or comment on a chapter on what to like to read and about who. You can request one by sending me a dm!