"No stop. You can't do this. It's not just you who this is about. This is about you and me. You don't decide stuff like this on your own!""I don't care. I'm not good for you. I never was. So please let me go. Let me do something good for once."
"How is this good JJ? How is you walking away any good? Do you know how I would feel if you would walk out of that door now? Do know you how my heart would break in pieces?" For a moment, you can see the sadness in his eyes. But it's gone pretty quickly.
"It's for the best Y/N. I hope you know that." With that being said, he walks out of the house and he doesn't even look around. You pull your hair in frustration. You want to want to run after him. You want to stop him. You want to yell at him that he needs to come back, that you love him and that you would go with him, but deep down you know this is the best for him. You know that this is what he needs to be doing.
"Hey, Y/N. I just saw JJ. You okay?" You look up to see your brother John B in the same place where JJ just stood seconds ago.
"He left," you whisper.
"He what?"
"He left. He.. uhm..." you put a piece of hair behind your hair. "He needed to go."
"And you let him? How could you!" John B yells at you before storming off again. You walk to your bedroom and sit down on your bed. JJ was your boyfriend. He has been for almost two years now and you know how much he had to struggle. He always talked about leaving, starting a life somewhere else. But in the stories, he included you. But now, when it got to this point, he left you behind. He left you, because he didn't want John B to be alone. He didn't want to take his sister away. John B would be all by himself then. But now, it felt like a piece of you left you. There was a whole in your heart and you didn't know what to do. You wanted to cry, but the tears didn't come.
"She did what?" you hear Kiara yell. They're seriously mad at you?
"I'm going to kill her!" Your bedroom door flew open. Kiara looked at you with so much anger and hurt in her eyes you have never seen before.
"How could you let him walk away? How could you just let him go without a fight?" You stood up form your bed, getting angrier with every word she said. She really thinks you would have let him leave without fighting him about it? He was your boyfriend!
"Stop that. We fought for an hour! It went on and on, how he should stay, that he should take me with him. But he didn't he left me here too. He left me too. He left, because he couldn't stay here anymore. It all got to much with his dad. It was killing him and the fact that you think I would just let him walk away, says even more about you. You're insane if you think I would let him walk away without a fight. I love him, Kie. He is my one true love and yes, I let him go. I let him go because I saw how much it hurt him. So please, stop being mad at me and be mad at Luke in stead. He did this. He brought his on JJ." Kiara looked at you without saying a thing.
"Now go."
"Y/N, I-."
"No, you go. I don't want to be around people who think about me like you just did." She still stood in the doorway.
"Fine. Stay. I'll go." You quickly grabbed your bag and walked out of the house. You put in your headphones on such a high volume that you didn't hear your friends yelling at you. You got on your bike and drove away.
You put down the volume was you're far away from them. You make your way to the beach and sit down while the tears stream down your face. How could they think of you like that? You love him so much, that you know this is the best thing for him.
"Okay, so where would you go if you could go anywhere?" you asked JJ. You were both laying down on the beach, looking at the stars. The night was so bright that you could see all of them. JJ showed up at your house in the middle of the night to take you to the beach. You saw that something happened with his dad, but you didn't say anything about it. You went along with him to the beach and that is where you are now.
"Easy. Yucatan. Great fish. Could surf all day, eat lobsters. Paradise on earth if you ask me. What about you?"
"I don't care. Where you'll be, I'll be good there." JJ grabbed your hand.
"I love you."
"I love you, JJ."
"Y/N!" You turned around to see Pope getting out of the van.
"Leave me alone!"
"NO, we have to go to the hospital. It's JJ." Everything that happened after that, went by in slow motion. You ran to the van. They drove of, while you yelled at your brother to drive faster.
In front of the hospital, the car hasn't even fully come to a stop yet, but you were out. You ran to the information desk and asked about your boyfriend, but they couldn't give you any information because you weren't family.
"I'm his girlfriend! Please, tell me how he's doing. I'm begging you."
"Ma'am you need to calm down." Arms wrapped around you as they dragged you away from the desk. You fought against it. You wanted to see your boyfriend. You needed to know how he was doing.
"I'm here for my son." You looked up and saw Luke standing at the desk.
"Y/N, calm down," John B said who was still holding you.
"He did this to him. If he didn't beat up JJ, he would still be here with us." You started to fight against John B's grip again, but he was way stronger than you. Luke sat down with his back facing you.
"Let me go, JB. Now." He didn't let you go. He let you fight him, until you were so tired that you fell asleep against him.
"Y/N, wake up." You opened your eyes and saw Kiara standing over you, handing you a cup of coffee. You took it from her, without saying anything.
"Luke left. The doctor said we could see him in a few minutes. They needed to do a few checks." You only nodded your head. The doctor then came in.
"You can go see him, but only for a few minutes. He needs his rest." You all nodded your head as you followed the doctor to the room JJ was in.
"Now, he's connected to a lot of wires, so don't be scared by that."
"Thank you," Pope said. You stood in front of the window and you looked at your boyfriend. Like the doctor said, he was connected to a lot of wires. It looked scary. He had a bandage on his head and you could see bruises on his arm. He laid so still, like he was...
"You coming?" John B asked. You nodded your head. He grabbed your hand and you slowly walked in. You looked at JJ and you felt the tears well up in your eyes. You were the first one to walk up to him.
"Oh JJ," you said as you grabbed his hand. His eyes shot open and he looked at you.
"Y/N, I-."
"Don't okay. Please don't say that you're sorry. please, don't. This isn't your fault. It isn't but please, stay. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me." You broke down. Tears were falling from your eyes and he slightly squeezed your hand.
"I won't. I won't."
"Good. Because I love you JJ. So much. And if you still want to go, then please take me with you because I can't stand being without you. I can't. I can't do that. I hate holding you back, because I know it is what you need to do, but please don't leave me."
"I won't. I'm not going anywhere without you. okay. Y/N, look at me." You looked at him. "I'm not going anywhere." You leaned in and pressed your lips against his.

Outerbanks Imagine
FanfictionOuterbanks imagines! . If you want to read something specific, please send me a dm or comment on a chapter on what to like to read and about who. You can request one by sending me a dm!