Warnings: shooting
A/N if there is anything you would like to read, please send in a request by sending me a dm or responding to a chapter! thanks for all the love guys!
"Hey babe, are you almost here?"
Your heart beated like crazy when you finally heard his voice.
"Drew, I..." You want to say so much, but the words aren't leaving your mouth. You were just getting on the train to see your boyfriend Drew, who you hadn't seen for two weeks. You were happy and excited, but right now you were anxious that you would never see him again. You were scared that this would be the last train ride in your life. That this would be the last thing you would do. Because right now there is a guy with a gun on the train. You heard people scream and you were told to stay where you are. You want to run, to find a safe place to hide.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
"No. There is a..." you took a deep breath. "There is a shooter on the train. I just wanted to call you to tell you that I love you. I love you so much, Drew. I've had the best time with you. You make my life complete. You-."
"Don't you dare Y/N. Don't you dare to say goodbye. You're going to be fine, okay? You're going to come home to me. You're going to be fine." The first tears were streaming down your face.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Please stay on the phone. Don't hang up, okay?"
"Okay." The screaming suddenly got closer. When you looked up, you saw that the man with the gun was standing right in front of the door that led to your coupe.
"He's coming in. I'm not going to say anything okay. I'm going to place my phone down right now, so it doesn't look like I'm calling. I love you Drew."
"I love you too." You placed the phone under your leg. That way the shooter couldn't see your phone at all. There was no one sitting next to you. Right now, you wished that there was someone next to you, that you could grab their hand and wait together, that you could be in this together. But there wasn't anyone sitting next to you, so you were alone. The train is still moving in high speed. If they continue to do this, you would be at the station in about fifteen minutes. You would be with Drew. You would be with him, safe in his arms. Just fifteen minutes.
"Everybody hands on your head!" the man yells as he got in the coupe. Some kid starts to cry. Everybody puts their hands on their head. You looked at the man. It was just a typical guy, someone you would pass on the streets, nothing out of the ordinary. He could have kids or a wife. But looking at this man with the gun in is hand, you can't see him having kids or a wife.
"Now I want you all to listen to me very carefully. Everybody is going to place their phones on the ground." You did as he said and placed your phone on the ground next to you. The man walks down the aisle and looks at everyone.
"Good, I hope for you that these are all the phones." The man walks past you and then starts to walk back where he came from. Suddenly, a phone rings. It sets something of in the man, because he starts to shoot. Screams and crying fills your ears. The sounds of the bullets flying around is getting louder and louder. You duck down and make yourself as small as possible so that he'll hopefully miss you. The tears are streaming down your face. You try to be as quiet as possible, but sobs are escaping. It truly feels like you're never going to get of this train alive. The man walks past you. The shooting is still going on. You looked around and see blood, people laying on the ground screaming for help, some are silent. You hear the door open and then it closes again. You want to breath in relief, but it doesn't feel like that. You didn't got shot, but people around you did. Blood is steaming to the aisle. You look at your phone that is covered it blood. You still pick it up, but the screen is black, your battery must have died.
The train suddenly stops. Your heart starts to beat even faster. If the train stops, that means that you're are at the station. You take a peak out of the window to confirm your thought. You were right. You're standing still on the station that is filled with police officers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we arrived at our final destination. Please stay seated until the police tells you to go outside." You then hear the door open again. You make yourself as small as possible. He's probably back to shoot as many people as he can before they caught him.
"It's safe to go outside. You can leave the train. There are resources outside for people who are hurt. If you wan't walk yourself, please raise your hand." They didn't have to tell you this twice. You grabbed your bag and your phone and you got out of the train as fast as possible. You looked around for Drew, but you didn't see him anywhere.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" a police officer walks over to you.
"I'm fine. I'm looking for my boyfriend. I don't see him. He should be here. He was waiting for me." You felt yourself getting dizzy. Where the hell is he?
"Please, sit down. You're bleeding." You shook your head.
"It's not my blood. I just need my boyfriend." You stranded on your toes to look over the crowd, but you didn't see him. You felt yourself panicking. Where the hell is he? You wanted to call him, but your phone was dead. How in the world were you going to find him?
"Okay, calm down. Why don't you tell me his name and your name?"
"Drew Starkey. I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"Okay, Y/N, we're going to find him okay? What is he wearing? Do you know that?" You shook your head.
"Y/N!" Your head shot up in the direction of where the yelling was coming from. And there he was, walking out of the crowd.
"There he is," you whispered and ran off to him.
"Oh my god, you're safe. Thank god," Drew says as he wraps his arms around you. The tears start to stream down your face again. You can't say a single thing, but it doesn't matter. He's here and you're okay. You're okay.

Outerbanks Imagine
FanfictionOuterbanks imagines! . If you want to read something specific, please send me a dm or comment on a chapter on what to like to read and about who. You can request one by sending me a dm!