Not alright - John B Routledge

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You were the kind of person that would do anything for their friends. They could call you in the middle of the night and you would be there for them. You would do anything for your friends. But that also meant that they saw you as the strong one. You pulled them through the hardest time. So when you were having a hard time, you didn't tell them. You didn't want them to see that you're weak, that you needed help. So you hid your problems. You dealt with them yourself. You would cry in the middle of the night, but you would pick yourself up the next morning.

Just a few days ago you found out that your dad cancer. Being a pogue means having not enough money for that sort of thing, so it basically meant that your dad would die. You didn't know when and it was already killing you. Every time that you saw him, could be your last. You haven't told your friends about it. You don't want burden them while they already had so much to think about. Pope lost his scholarship, JJ has his dad, the whole group was looking for the gold and John B has to deal with dcs. You didn't want to add anything on top of that, so you kept it to yourself.

You were now at the chateau where your boyfriend lived. John B was your boyfriend for almost two years now. You were laying in the hammock with him and Kiara, while Pope and JJ were fishing.

"Are you okay?" John B asked you. You had been quiet all day and that wasn't a usual thing for you. You laid against John B, just relaxing and trying to think about something else then your dad.

"I'm fine. Just tired."

"Guys! Should we throw a kegger tonight?" JJ yelled from the dock.

"Yes!" Kiara yelled back.

"Kegger tonight it is," John B said. You always loved a good kegger, but right now you were just not in the mood. But you didn't want to ruin it for your friends.

The rest of the day you laid in the hammock, not in the mood to move.

"I know JB asked, but are you sure that you're okay? You seem off, more than tired," Kiara said. The guys were inside cooking the fish they caught so it was just the two of you.

"I slept awful last night. It was way too hot."

"Yeah, it was. You would tell me if something was wrong, right?"

"Yeah, of course!" Kiara got out of the hammock and walked inside. You sighed. How did they know already that something was off about you? Yes, you know each other for years now, but it has been a few days.

"Y/N, dinner is done!" Pope yelled.

"Coming!" You got out of the hammock and you walked inside. They were all sitting around the table with the fish in the middle. It smelled great! You sat down in between John B and JJ. You all started to eat while making plans for the kegger tonight. You were not listening at all. You were thinking about your dad. You haven't heard from him all day. He said he would text you at least twice a day, but he didn't. Maybe he was asleep. Or maybe something was wrong. You got up from your chair and walked outside to call your dad.

"Honey, I'm fine," your dad said as soon as he answered the phone.

"I didn't hear from you, just wanted to make sure."

"You don't have to text me all the time. Go have fun with your friends. If anything changes, your mom will call you."

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too, so don't call me anymore today okay?"

"Okay." You hung up the phone and walked back inside.

"What were you running off too?" JJ asked.

"My dad called. Everything's okay though." It wasn't.

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