Obsessed - Topper

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A/N God, I've never experienced something like this (only a bit of the stalking part), so I tried my best on writing it as good as possible, for but anyone going through something like this, I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to!

Warnings: beginning of sexual assault 


You're kook and Topper has had a thing for you ever since you moved to the island when you were little. You were friends with him growing up, until you met John B at school. You became friends with the pogues and fell in love with the sea and exploring. Topper didn't like that, but left you alone. Lately he got obsessed with you. Where ever you were, he was there and he couldn't take his eyes off you. But he didn't only just watch...

You're a kook, hanging out with the pogues. You were friends with the kooks first and those kooks were Topper, Rafe and their friends. You always felt like and outsider. Being a kook was never your thing. You liked climbing in trees, get yourself dirty and run around. When you met John B, you felt like you were meant to be somewhere. You've never felt out of place. You felt in place, like very puzzle piece fitted. Still to this day, you're friends with John B, Pope, Kie and JJ. You spend the weekends at the chateau, complete forgetting the life on figure eight. From Monday through Friday, you went to the kook academy and acted like a kook. Everyone knew you were faking it, but they left you alone. You did the best you could. Except for Topper. He was always really close to you. Wherever you were, Topper would be there too, so even when you said you didn't want to be friends with them anymore, he didn't take it very well. He was constantly following you, being around you, looking at you. You thought it would pass, so you didn't say anything about it, but up until now, 8 years later, he still does the same thing. You almost don't notice it anymore. It's just how Topper is. But recently it got worse and your friends start to notice.

Right now, they're throwing a kegger on the cut and the kooks have come too.

"God, Y/N. Topper is looking at you again," Kie whispered, trying to keep it as quiet as she could. If JJ would hear it, he would for sure pick a fight with him. You glanced over your shoulder, trying to keep it on a low, but Topper smiled at you. You rolled your eyes.

"It's Topper. He's always been like that."

"Nah, it's getting worse. He would stay at least ten feet away from you. He's coming closer like very week or something."

"Like I said, it's Topper. Don't worry about you." You took a sip from your drink and looked around. Most of the people were already wasted. JJ was messing with Pope, who were standing a few feet away from you. You and Kie were sitting by the bonfire, while John B handed out drinks to people.

"I swear Y/N, it's creepy. It even creeps me out."

"I don't worry about, so you shouldn't either. It's Topper. He looks, but he does nothing with it. Just let him be." You were hoping to get away from the kooks for the weekend, but it seems like it's not the case. You have a feeling that Kie is not going to let this go and if one of the other boys notice, you're screwed.

"Fine. But don't come crying to me when something does happen. It just doesn't feel right. The way he looks at you, it's like he's obsessed with you."

You laugh at her. "Topper? Trust me, he's always been this. I don't care." But the fact that Kie said that, did made you feel uneasy.

"Ladies. You want something to drink?" John B asked the both of you, interrupting your conversation.

"Yes please," you said. You quickly downed your cup and handed it to him. He filled it up and then sat next to you.

"John B, have you seen how Topper is looking at Y/N?" Kie asked.

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