John B is your boyfriend. The police is about to arrest him for hurting Ward when he's going to escape. You thought he would leave without saying goodbye, but you see him again.
The last couple of week had its events and now it was down to John B leaving. Ward had the police that John B assaulted him and they thought he killed the two mainlanders, which was not true at all. John B would never hurt anyone, but the police believed Ward. Why wouldn't they? He has a lot of money and status. So it was time for John B to run away. You knew the gold was on the Bahamas so that was where he was trying to go. You wanted to go with him. You had nothing left to lose, except for him. So why would you stay? John B was your family. You loved him so much and you were not letting him go by himself. So you were now at home packing a bag. You couldn't bring much with you, so you took what is necessary. You had some clothes, underwear, first aid kit, food and some clothes for John B. Kie, Pope and JJ were getting more food and water and a boat to get away. John B had something else to handle. You didn't even ask what. You had an hour before you had to be at the dock, where you would meet up with John B again. You had said goodbye to your friends right before you came home to pack your things, because John B went to pick you up somewhere else.
"I'm going to miss you so much," Kie said and hugged you. The two of you were like sisters. You shared clothes, told each other everything and you were there for each other. It was hard saying goodbye to her, but you couldn't leave John B.
"I know. I'm going to miss you too. I'm going to call as soon as I can," you said and let go of her. Pope was the next one to pull you into a hug. He didn't say anything. You two just stood in a moment of silence.
"Promise me you both won't do anything stupid," he said when he let you go.
"You know I can't promise that, Pope. But I'm going to promise you that we're going to do our best." Pope nodded and stepped aside. You looked at JJ. He has always been the big brother you never had.
"Do you really have to go?" He quietly said.
"I can't leave John B. i'm not letting him go alone."
"What if you get caught or killed?"
"I'd rather be miserable with him, than without him. I'm not letting him go alone, JJ. I don't care what's going to happen, but I'm not letting him go alone."
"I know." He pulled you into a hug and planted a kiss on your forehead. "Please be safe. Stay alive. I can't lose anymore people," he whispered.
"I'm going to do my best. We'll come back. We'll have the gold and we can go full kook," you said with a smile.
"To going full kook," he whispered and let you go.
Saying goodbye wasn't the easiest thing, but it went better then you imagined. You thought they would yell at you, tell you how insane you were for going with John B, but JJ was the only one to ask if you really had to go. You know Pope wouldn't say anything about. He was probably still processing it. You thought Kie would cry, but she didn't. She only said she would be missing you, but you knew that once you were out of sight, she would cry. You swinged your backpack over your shoulder and walked out of your house. You had ten minutes to get to the dock where John B would pick you up. Walking to the dock, you tried your best to not get noticed. You didn't want people to see you and find John B. Your heart raced as you walked through town. You soaked up as much as you could, not sure if you would ever come back. Of course you could come back some day, but who knows how much would be changed by then? You didn't know how long it was going to take before it was safe again to go back home. But at least you would be with John B. You would be with the love of your life and you would be fine.

Outerbanks Imagine
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