Stuck in a tree - JJ Maybank/Pogues

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I'm on a roll! Fourth one in a row! This one is requested by ilymount

You're chilling by the fire at the chateau. Pope and Kie have snuck off, so you're left with JJ, John B and Sarah.

"Wait, someone is here. I heard a car door," John B suddenly says as she stands up.

"I don't hear anything," you says as you stand up. If you have learned anything, you've got to be prepared at all times.

"Shit! Hide, hide, hide!" John B starts to push you all to the trees.

You all climb in. Everyone is sitting on their own branch, spread out through the tree. Sarah looks at you in fear and then to John B. You look at JJ, who looks up at you.

"I love you," you mouth.

"Love you," he mouths back.

You look down and hear someone whispering. "I an't see shit."

"They're here, alright?"

Suddenly, Rafe and Barry appear under the tree. "You search the house. I'll wait for them here."

You don't move a muscle, to scare to make the smallest sound.

"Where the hell are you?!" Rafe yells.

Of course none of you respond. You eyes are glued to Rafe, watching his every move. Suddenly you see something shiny in his hands. He has a gun. The maniac has a freaking gun!

JJ hasn't taken his eyes of you. You look at him, and make a gun with you fingers, then point at Rafe. JJ looks at Rafe, and sees exactly what you just saw.

Again, you make a gun with your fingers and point at JJ. He shakes his head. The one time you actually need the gun, he doesn't have it on him. For fucks sake!

Rafe starts pacing underneath the tree. Barry is throwing shit inside the house and breaking whatever he can find.

"Did you find them?" Rafe yells.

"They ain't here." Barry stands now next to Rafe.

"They obviously are, look at the smoke!"

"Look at this, P4L," Barry mocks. "So, your sister is a rogue huh, country club."

Rafe turns around and looks at the heart that is carved into the tree. "Shit!" He yells.

Rafe loses all control and starts shooting into the trees. You all duck away, trying not to get shot at.

"You wanna get us busted? Let's bounce! Bounce! Let's go!" Barry yells, pushing Rafe away from the tree.

"I'll find you, alright! And when I do, I'll kill you!" Rafe yells and runs after Barry.

JJ is the first one to sit up straight. Right next to his head, there is a bullet hole in the tree.

"Everyone okay?" John B asks and looks at Sarah first, who nods. JJ looks at you.

"Y/N? You okay?" His eyes scan your body. "Shit," he mumbles.

"J, Y/N?" Sarah and John B are now looking at you too.

There is blood right above your pants. There is no pain. It's that you see the blood, otherwise you would have no idea what was going on.

"Shit! Y/N, you have to get down," Sarah says.

"And how would she do that? She can't move!" JJ yells.

"No yelling. Y/N, can you come down?"

You look at John B.

"I think she's in shock," Sarah quietly says.

"Y/N, babe. Focus on me, okay?"

You look at JJ.

"Focus, baby. We need to get you out of the tree."

A tear rolls down your cheek. "I'm going to die here," you mumble.

"You're not going to die! I won't let that happen."

"I can't get down, JJ. We can't go to the hospital, because there will be asked to many questions." More tears roll down your cheeks.

"We are going to get you down, I promise. You just need to trust us, okay?"

You don't say anything. You lean with your head against the tree. The pain is hitting you like a train. There is now way you can come down.

"I'm going to climb up, and I'm going to help you down. John B will help you from the branch below," JJ explains as he climbs up.

After what feels like an eternity, the boys got you down on the ground. You're sitting against JJ on the couch on the porch. JJ is keeping pressure on the wound, while John B and Sarah are thinking of a solution. Twinkie didn't start and the hospital is miles away. The phones aren't working, so you can't call an ambulance or any help. There is no way you're going to make it in time.

"Guys, what's going on here, we heard shots," Kie says, almost laughing. Her and Pope walk onto the porch, but stop as they see you. JJ's hands are covered in blood.

"Rafe shot us and hit Y/N," John B says.

"Where the hell have you been? We have been trying to reach you!" JJ angrily says.

"Our phones are inside. Why aren't you on the way to the hospital?" Pope says.

"I'll start the car!" Kie yells, and runs away.

"We've already tried that!" John B yells. "It doesn't start."

"I won't stop until it works," Kie says and disappears to the Twinkie.

Pope just looks at you.

You slowly feel like you are losing your mind. Every sound hurts your head. There are black spots all over your eye sight. You're dizzy, and all you want to do is sleep.

"Keep your eyes open, Y/N," John B orders.

"Why?" You mumble. "I'm dying."

Suddenly you hear the sound of a car.

"It's working, guys! Get her in the van!" Kie yells. Everyone jumps up from where they are sitting and they rush you over to the van. As fast as Twinkie can, Kie is driving to the hospital.

"Just hang on a little longer baby," JJ mumbles and presses a kiss against your hair. "You're going to make it."

"Faster, Kie!" Sarah yells. Seeing the state that you're in, you probably have minutes left.

The rest of the ride is a haze, but you made it to the hospital in time.

"She'll be okay," the doctor tells your friends after a while. "You brought her here just in time."

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