Hate me - Rudy Pankow

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Being an actor on the Outer Banks has been the most fun. You're really close to the cast and even when you're done with filming, you always hang out. But it has been hard being around Rudy Pankow. He is such a great actor and so kind in person and that's exactly the problem. You like him, a lot. But he already has a girlfriend so ever since you found that out, you have been pushing him away. Because if he's mad at you, it's easier to be around him. But the fact that you play his best friend in the series, isn't making it very easy.

Right now, you're on set. You have a break before you're going to film the last scene of the day. It's a fight between Y/C/N and JJ about how he shouldn't have took the money from Barry. Lucky for you, Rudy has been annoying you all day so this scene shouldn't be a problem.

You and JJ are standing on the porch of the chateau.

"This is all your fault!" You yell at JJ.

"My fault? He robbed us! He pulled a gun to our heads, Y/C/N."

"Yeah and you stole 25k from him, you dumbfuck!" You've been yelling at him for about 5 minutes now and you can already feel you losing your voice, which makes it even more realistic.

"And who's idea was it to go the shop? Not mine. So it's actually your fault, because if you hadn't send us there, we wouldn't be in this situation right now!"

"That is bullshit, JJ. How am I supposed to know that Barry would be there?"

"That's what I'm saying!"

"It was a dumb move, JJ. Do you really think Barry is going to let this slide? He's going to come after you, no us! He's coming after all of us and that's your fault!"

"My fault? So I should just let him rob us and pull a gun to our heads?"

"No of course not! But this isn't the solution, JJ." You turn away from him and run a hand through your hair.

"Then what would you like me to do huh? If I would beat his ass up, you would be angry with me. If I do nothing you would probably say I'm a pussy. So tell me, Y/C/N, what would you want me to do."

"I don't know. But stealing 25K is a dumb move, JJ. And I'm done with this. You stole the money, so you deal with it, by yourself."

"Maybe I should do that!" JJ grabs his bag from the couch and walks away.

"And cut!" The director yells. You let out a breath you didn't know you where holding. Your blood is still boiling from the scene. It felt good to yell at him. It felt real.

"Great job, guys. We only need to do it one more time. Y/N, you need to show more that you're angry, not just the yelling but move with your hands." You nods your head at the feedback.

"Rudy, great job. But just be a little bit more angrier." Rudy nods.

You take a sip of water and then you start again. Channeling all of your irritations towards Rudy.

"This is all your fault!"

"My fault? You send us there! It was your idea to go to the shop!"

"How am I supposed to know that Barry would be there?" You take a step closer to Rudy.

"That's what I'm saying! That guy robbed us. He pulled a gun to our heads. Do you really think I would just let that go?"

"You should have! Stealing money was dumb. And it wasn't hundred dollars, no you stole 25k. And now he's coming after you, no all of us and that's your fault."

"I wasn't going to do nothing!"

"But this isn't the solution JJ. This is so fucking dumb." You turn away from him and run a hand through your hair. He's really pissing you off changing all the lines, so this part should be easy now.

"I'm dumb? You should've checked is he was there." You turn back around to JJ.

"Yeah, you're dumb. You always do shit like this. You do stupid shit without thinking about it. Your impulsive JJ. You can't steal money from a freaking drug dealer! Do you really think Barry is going to let this slide? He'll probably send one of his guys after us and that is all on you JJ. This situation is all on you and I'm done with it. I'm done with your stupid behavior and your stupid face. I am done."

"Fine. I'll figure it out by myself them." JJ packs his bag from the couch and walks away.

"And cut! That's a wrap. Beautiful job guys. We'll see you tomorrow!" The director yells. You grab your water bottle, say bye to people and then walk to your trailer.

Just as you're about to step in your trailer, you hear a voice behind you.

"Y/N, can we talk?"

You turn around and see Rudy standing there.

"I have to go home," you say and get in the trailer. Rudy follows you. You ignore his presence and pack your stuff.

"Can we just talk for a second?"

"I really have to get going." You pack the last thing and walk out of the trailer. Rudy follows you to the car. How annoying can he be? Can't he take a hint and just leave.

"Y/N, stop." He grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

"Let go of me." You yank your arm back.

"Why are you so mad at me? What did I do to you?"

"I don't want to talk to you, Rudy. Just let me go home."

"Fine, then I'll see you there." He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? Don't you have friends to annoy."

"Yeah, you."

You let out a laugh. "We're not friends."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not your friend Rudy and you're not mine. I don't like you, you don't like me, so just leave it at that." You turn around and walk away to your car when you hear Rudy say: "I never said that I didn't like you, Y/N. Why are you acting like this? What did I do to you?"

You stop walking. For a second, you stand still. So many response are running through your mind. You want to say so many things, but only one comes out. "Why can't you just hate me? How hard is it? I've been a bitch to you and you're still nice to me. Stop it. I don't want it. I just need you to hate me!"

From Rudy his expression, you can see that he's hurt. "What? Why? Why would I hate you?"

"Because! It's just easier that way! God! Can you just leave me alone!"

"What is easier Y/N? I don't understand. Please talk to me." He walks over to you, but you take steps back so you keep the distance. You want to kiss him so bad, you really do. So if he comes close to you, you're afraid that you will do that and it just can't happen. He has a girlfriend. You can't ruin their relationship.

"Because I love you. I love you so much, Rudy. But you have a girlfriend. So I need you to hate me, because it's easier to be around you then." You look at Rudy, but he doesn't say a thing. Fine then. You quickly make your way to your car, get in and drive home. 

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