He's doing a JJ thing. He'll come around - JJ Maybank

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Being friends with JJ Maybank wasn't always the easiest thing in the world. You know about his dad, but in a result to that, JJ would sometimes vanish for days, he would act out and do the craziest things in the world. Right now was one of these moments. JJ has left two days ago with saying a single thing to his friends. You, secretly having feelings of him, were worried. You know this is his type of thing to do, but you still worried about him. He didn't deserve this. You wanted to be there for him, so bad, but you were afraid he would find out how you felt about him. You didn't want to lose him as a friend, so you kept it quiet. No one knew about how you truly felt about JJ. Kie had asked you about it once and you lied about it, another rule broken.

Right now, you were hanging at the chateau. You were all laying in the hammock. You mind kept wondering about JJ. Where would he be? Would he be okay? Does he have food?

"Are you sure we don't have to look for him?" You asked your friends.

You jointed the friend group the latest. You moved here almost two years ago. You met your friends at a party, or a kegger, as they call it. You were like Kie, going to the kook academy, but being a pogue by heart. You liked going on an adventure, surfing all day and having the most fun you ever had in your life. You quickly realized what was going on between JJ and his dad. And from the moment you found out, you were the person he turned to when something happened. You cleaned him up, layed with him in silence while you held him. You don't know why he turned to you, but you liked it. Slowly you started to get feelings for the blonde haired boy. But your friends had two rules: no pogue on pogue macking and no lying to a pogue. You broke those two rules by falling in love with JJ Maybank and lying about it to your best friend Kie.

"Don't worry to much Y/N. He's fine," Pope said.

"He does this all the time. He will show up in a few days and act like nothing happened," John B said.

"And you're okay with that? You don't worry about why he has run off again or how bad he's doing right now? What if he's lying dead somewhere and we're not doing anything," you said. Kie looked up to you, surprised how much you cared for JJ.

"Of course we care and yes we worry, but this has been going on for so long. The longest he was gone for was almost a whole month. Yes, after a few days we started to look for him, but if JJ doesn't want to be found, you will never find him," Kie explains to you.

"It's a JJ thing. He will walk away and turn up in a few days like nothing happened. He'll come around," John B explained for the millionth time. Every time this happened, you asked them the same. You had the same argument about it. But this time, you felt like something was very wrong and you couldn't shake the feeling. You got out of the hammock.

"Were are you going?" Pope asked.

"Looking for my best friend," you said and walked away from the group. They didn't come after you, they never did. They knew it was pointless. JJ didn't want to be found, but you couldn't care less.

You got on your bike and started to go through the neighborhood. You went to every spot you could think of. Once you were done on the cut, you started to make your way to figure eight. You knew he would never be there, but you just needed to see for yourself. His friends would never look for him here, so it would be a good hiding spot. But if Rafe or Topper found him there, all hell would break lose. You circled around your neighborhood and you ended up at your favorite spot, the mini forest as you liked to call it. It was a piece of the island where the trees were so close together, it created a mini forest. You sat down on a fallen tree and looked around. Why wouldn't he just text you? Just an 'I'm okay' would be enough. Just something so you know he would be okay. But JJ never texted you when he vanish. All these nights of cleaning him up, laying with him, talking about the most stupid shit, meant more to you then you would ever admit. You liked laying next to him. You liked how you could take his mind of the pain for just a few hours. And that's why you didn't understand why he had to run away. He could stay with you for as long as he needed. But you also knew he would never do that. He didn't want to be a burden. You looked around when you heart the branches snapping. And that's when you met his gaze.

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