Kissing - Rudy Pankow/Drew Starkey

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A/N I'm in love with this one! Also, this video above is from Rudy. It's on Madelyn her Instagram and I love it. It's so good and fits the song very well if you asked me! BUT I hope you like this one just as much as I do. If you want to read anything, please tell me so I can write it!


You're best friends with the cast from outer banks and you all go out to party. Rudy likes to make videos, so that what he does in the club. He catches you with another guy and gets jealous.

Rudy Pankow has been your best friends ever since the two of you have been little. You two were a package deal. If Rudy got in trouble, you were beside him. If they were inviting you to a party, Rudy would come with you. So when he got a job in Charleston, you moved with him. He moved in with Chase Stokes who plays, Madison Bailey who played Kiara and Jonathan Davis who played Pope. The other part of the cast moved in a few houses down from you. It was always fun being around them. There was always something going on in the house.

One night you all decided to go out, with the whole cast. You got ready as Rudy walked into your bedroom.

"Should I bring the camera? I know Drew and Cline are brining theirs," he asked you and let himself fall on the bed.

"Yeah, you should! You still need to edit the video from set," you reminded him.

"Crap. I almost forgot." You laughed. One thing almost nobody knew is that Rudy likes to create videos and he's pretty good at it. It usually looks like it has been shot on a very old camera. Madelyn Cline and Drew Starkey have the same sort of camera. It gives a vintage look and you're in love with it. Rudy gave you a camera like that for your birthday, but you rarely take it out. You're too scared that it will get broken.

"You need to film something tonight! Create an awesome going out video."

"Rudy! Y/N! You almost down?" Madison yells from downstairs. You quickly finish the last things of your hair and the two of you walk out.

"Coming!" You yelled and walked down the stairs. Everybody was already waiting in the hallway.

"Look at you all dressed up," Madison said with a big smile on her face.

"It's not everyday that you go out in Charleston," you laughed. The two of you walked out of the door. The boys followed.

You walked through the streets and met up with Madelyn, Drew and Austin. That was the crew you were going out with.

"There is a club down town that is supposed to be really good," Austin said when you guys arrived.

"Let's go then!" Chase said. You all walked the way to the club. It wasn't that far. Along the way, Madelyn, Drew and Rudy were filming the group of friends. Rudy and Jonathan were also doing some stupid things which made you laugh. Rudy almost tripped over a rock and bumped into you.

"Sorry, I fell for you," Rudy joked.

"Haven't heard that one before," you said sarcastically. Rudy always had the same comment when he bumped into you.

"It's hard to be original these days." You nudged him on his side. "That's also not very nice."

"I am not nice," you said and smiled at him.

"That is very true."

"What have you filmed so far?" You tried to change the subject.

"Nothing much. I think I have a great idea for the in the club so we'll see how that's going to turn out."


You arrived at the club. It was packed with people, but it was exactly how you liked it. It was not to crowded, but not to quiet either. You had room to dance, but you didn't felt like being alone on the dance floor and then there was the music. It was exactly your type of music. You could sing along with it and dance to it all night long. Austin was the first one to buy a round of shots.

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