Not afraid - John B

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Saying that you had lost it was an understatement. You were furious. Your blood was boiling and nobody had ever seen you like this. normally, you were good at controlling your anger. You were good about focussing it on something else, but today was just one of those days where you lost it.

You saw how Topper was drowning John B. Pope and JJ did their best of pulling Topper of John B, but they didn't succeed. Kie and Sarah both screamed, while you searched for another option. You had to distract Topper from John B. You needed him to focus on something else. First you tried to obvious one. You tried to help your friends with pulling away Topper.

"Y/N what the hell are you doing?" JJ yelled at you.

"Helping you, dumbass," you screamed back. Topper looked at you. He smiled and focused his attention on you.

"So, the girlfriend is involved now too. You want to after your boyfriend? I can make that happen," Topper said with a smile and kicked you in the stomach. You felt down on the sand, gasping for air. For your friends, this was it. It was war now.

"I'm not that easy," you said and stood up again. JJ had thought you how to fight, so you threw a big punch at Topper his face. Blood came out of his nose. You smiled, satisfied that you could hurt him. Pope and JJ took this as an opportunity to drag Topper away from you. You ran to John B and pulled him up from the water.

"Come on, John B," you said to him. He wasn't helping you at all, so it took al your energy to move him not even a feet. Topper got loose from your friends and ran at you.

"You little bitch!" He screamed and knocked you to the ground. You were now laying next to John B in the water. You quickly turned your body, so that you were now looking up at the sky. Topper kicked you in the stomach again and you felt something sharp on your leg. You were so high on adrenaline that you didn't feel any pain. You got up and kick Topper in the crotch. He fell down on his knees, groaning in pain.

"You touch my boyfriend, you touch me," you said and punched him in the face. More blood came out of his nose. You hid him again, but he grabbed your hand and turned it around. You yelled in pain, being sure he broke your arm.

"You asshole!" You yelled at him and tried to kick him again, but he got up and kick you down, back to the water. You were now trying to avoid to punches that were thrown at you. Pope and JJ tried to pull Topper of you, while Kie started to pull John B out of the water. You saw how he got him and Kie dragged him to the sand.

"You're such a little bitch," Topper screamed at you. It became harder and harder for you to focus in him when you head it something hard.

"Stop! You're killing her!" you heard a girl yell. You felt more punches on your body. Everything around you was black. You heard the waves and the voices around you, but you didn't see a thing.

"He has a gun!" you heard someone yelled. A gun? How has a gun? Your head started to spin. You wanted to get up, but you couldn't move. Nothing in your body worked how it needed to.

"Get off our side of the island, now!" You thought it was JJ who yelled it, but you didn't know for sure.

"Kie, help her out!" you felt arms around you and you winced in pain.

"Y/N. Can you open your eyes? Please look at me." You were layed down on something hard.

"Y/N, squeeze my hand if you can hear me." It was a girl so it's probably Kie who was talking to you. You felt a hand on your hand. You slowly squeezed it.

"She hears us. Y/N, John B is going to be fine. We're going to take you home okay? You're going to be fine." After that, you didn't hear a single thing.

When you opened your eyes, every single inch of your body hurt. You winched in pain and felt something move next to you. You slowly turned your head to the side and saw that John B was sitting next to you. He wasn't looking at you.

"Hi," you mumbled. He looked at you and you saw the pain in his eyes.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Hurt. How about you." You tried to sit up more, but you failed in your attempt. Everything hurts.

"I'm fine. You shouldn't have done that. JJ and Pope-."

"We're not handling it," you cut him off. "He was drowning you, John B. You can't expect me to stand by and watch."

"But now you got hurt."
"And we're both alive."

"Y/N, please. Don't ever do this again. Don't get yourself hurt for me."

"I'm not going to promise that, John B. If they hurt you again and I can do something to stop it, I will. I don't care if I get hurt."

"But I care Y/N. I care if you get hurt or not. I care!" He stood up and walked away from you. He looked out of the window, facing his back to you.

"What if they did it to me? Would you look how they drowned me or would you fight them? Because I know you would and then I would be in your shoes right now, but I would get it. I would understand why you did it, so why can't you."

"Because I thought you were dead!" He yells and turns around to you.

"The way Kie dragged you out of the water, I could only watch how you weren't responding to her. I was lying on the sand while I watched how they looked if you were still alive. You looked dead. And I was afraid that I was going to lose you, okay? That's why I have a problem with this." You felt the tears well up in your eyes. You didn't know it was that bad. You wanted to walk to him, but you couldn't move. Everything hunted too much.

"Please, come here," you said and hold up your hand. John B walked towards you and sat down again. You grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was that bad. I'm sorry. I'm fine. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

John B sight for a moment. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you too," John B said and placed a kiss on your forehead.

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