Having a bad feeling - JJ Maybank

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A/N OKAY IF YOU ASK ME, THIS IS THE BEST ONE I HAVE EVER WRITTEN SO FAR. I seriously cried when writing this. I can't even imagine how this much feel. So get ready to ball your eyes out.

Listen to Til It Happens To You by Lady Gaga. Just put it on repeat and listen to it while reading this. 

Kiara, Pope, John B and you were sitting on the boat, waiting for JJ. JJ was your boyfriend and it wasn't like him to not show up for a day on the HMS Pogue. You had a feeling something was going on, but you didn't know what. It was just this feeling in your stomach that you knew something was off.

"Are you sure he's just working?" you asked Pope.

"Yes. My dad said he would be working until half an hour ago. JJ is probably still helping him clean or something." Or something, so even Pope didn't know why he was late.

"He'll be fine. It's JJ," your sister Kiara said. You didn't respond to her. You just had your eyes on the driveway, waiting for JJ to come on his bike. Normally he would call or text he was running late. Maybe he forgot or his phone died. Maybe his phone fell in the water. You tried to calm yourself down, but you knew the feeling wouldn't go away until you actually saw him right there in front of you.

"I'm going to look for him," you said and got off the boat.

"Where are you going to look?" John B asked.

"I don't. His house, the beach. I'll search the whole damn island if I need to."

"You're not going to his house by yourself," Kie said.

"Fine. Then you're all coming with."

"Or we could split it up? Cover more ground that way," Pope suggested.

"Fine with me. John B, you're coming?" you said and looked at him. He took the keys out of the boat and got out of it.

"Call us if you find anything," Kie said. You nodded your head and made your way to the van, so Kiara could take the car if they needed to.

"Are you sure you want to look at his house?" John B asked as he got off the drive way.

"Yes." JJ has always been very clear to not come to his house, but right now you weren't going to listen to him.

"We'll stop at Heywards first. Maybe he's there and not paying attention to his phone," John B said and he was already close to the shop. You tried to call JJ one more time. Straight to voicemail. John B hadn't even fully stoped the car before you got out. You walked into the shop, looking for JJ, but you only saw Pop.

"Hey, is JJ here?" you asked him. Pop looked up from the counter.

"No, he left about half an hour ago. He didn't make it to the boat."

You shook your head.

"He had been talking about it all day. If you don't see or talk to him in an hour, call me."

"I will. Thanks." You walked back to the van and got in.

"No JJ?" John B asked.

"No. He left half an hour ago and talked about the boat all day. I have a very bad feeling about this, JB."

"He'll be fine."

"Yeah, you say that all the time," you mumble. The truth was that JJ never was fine. He was hurt all the time. He tried to hide it and he did a very good job at it, but when you looked him in the eye, you could see the pain he was in.

You stopped across the street from JJ's house. His dad truck was in the driveway.

"I'm going to call him one more time. I don't feel like meeting his dad," John B said and called JJ. But you got out of the van. What if he did something to JJ? What if his dad beat up JJ so bad that he wasn't okay at all?

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