Angels and Demons - Topper

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A/N I honestly hated how Topper was in the show. But you could see he didn't agree with what his friends were doing, so I think he has a soft side, but he just doesn't like to show it, so I wrote this. I hope you like it as much as I do. :)

Somewhat inspired on the song Angels and Demons by jxdn!

Warnings: idk, drug use?


You're dating Topper. You're at a party he throws and you lose control. He's there to pick the pieces up.


You were standing on the table in the middle of the crowd. You were dancing on the beat of the music, completely letting yourself go. It had been a bad week and you had to let yourself go. Rafe had gave you something you don't know the name off, but it made you feel free. You didn't worry about what the people might think of you, you didn't acre about your parents or your boyfriend Topper. You were free and you liked it. You screamed along with the lyrics to the song and lifted your hands up in the air.

"You done now?" You looked down and saw Topper looking up at you. He has been your boyfriend for almost two years now. He's not the typical nice guy, not by far, but he has always been nice to to you and caring towards you. In the beginning he was a total ass to everyone who got in his way, but that slowly got less and you liked that. You wanted him to be nice to other people and he tried to do that.

"I'm just getting started baby," you said with a smile.

"Please come down," he said and folded out his hand to you. You rolled your eyes, but grabbed his hand and got down.

"Thank you," you said and grabbed the cup from his hands. You quickly drank everything of it.

"Are you done? You're completely waisted."

You leaned in. "And high," you whispered in his ear with a smile. You walked away to find Rafe. You wanted more of what he gave you.

"High? What the hell Y/N!" Topper yelled at you. You walked outside and felt a hand on your wrist. "What did he gave you?"

"I don't know and I don't care, now let me go, Topper." You janked your arm free and walked back inside to find Rafe. You found him down in the basement.

"Do you have more of what you just got me?" You asked him as soon as you saw him.

"Always." Rafe gave you another pill. You swallowed it without using water.

"Thank you, Rafe." You kissed him on the cheek and walked back upstairs, where you bumped into Topper.

"Please don't tell me you found Rafe."

"Then I'll lie. I didn't found him. Bad night," you said and walked away. Again he grabbed your wrist.

"What the hell is going on with you tonight Y/N? You never took drugs before. You're an addict now or something? Tell me what's going on."

"You're not my dad. I don't owe you shit, Top. You can't stop me, nothing can."

"Hell I can. You want me to call the cops? Or even your dad? You know he wouldn't be happy seeing you like this." You narrowed your eyes. He's seriously threatening you with your dad right now?

"Call him. Do it. I don't care. Now let me go and let me live my life without acting like you're my dad." You walked away from him and got back on the table, dancing, but you didn't feel well. Your mind was racing and the room started to move. The girl next to you got two heads and it scared the shit out of you. You slowly got of the table. Maybe you needed to go somewhere quiet. You walked towards the stairs, bumping into almost everything along the way. You crawled up the stairs to Topper his room. You got to the window and opened it, feeling the cool summer breeze on your face. You slid down against the wall and started into nothing. The room was still spinning and you felt sweat dripping down from your face. You were tired and you wanted to sleep. You felt your phone buzzing in your pocket, or at least you thought it was. You got it out of your pocket and saw that Topper was calling you. You answered and you could hear him speak, but it didn't make sense.

"You don't make any sense," you breathe out. Again he started to talk but you didn't understand any of it. You layed the phone down on the ground while you layed down next to it. Your felt your heart beat like your life was depending in it. The room started to spin even more and you felt nauseous, but you didn't't have the engird to get up. The sound of the music slowly faded away and everything got silent around you. It was nice. You closed your eyes, in the hope that the spinning would stop, but it got even worse. It was like you were in a rollercoaster and you closed your eyes.

"Y/N! Baby oh my god!" You heard someone yell. You tried to open your eyes, but you were too tired.

"Y/N, babe, please open your eyes. Wake up!"

"Hmm," you mumbled. You didn't know how,  but you slowly got your eyes open. Topper sat down on the ground next to you and the tears were streaming down his face.

"Thank god," he mumbled. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," you mumbled. Topper helped you sit up, but you just fell against him. You had no energy left in your body. You just wanted to sleep and wished that this all never happened.

"Come on, let's get you to the bed." He lifted you up from the floor and layed you down on his bed.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled.

"I know." The tears were streaming down your face. How could you do this to him? He did his best to try to be good for you, but you were here fucking everything up and shutting him out.

"I'm so sorry," you cried. He layed down next to you and pulled you closer to him.

"I know you are. It's okay. You're okay."

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm an ass."

"No, you're not. You had a shit week and I should've been there for you. I'm sorry too."

"I love you," you said and felt your eyes getting heavy.

"I love you too, babe."

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