Don't let go - Rafe Cameron

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Today marks the first year of your brothers death. Last year, you were with him at midsummers before everything changed. You two had fun, before he collapsed on the ground and had a heart attack. They were too late. There was nothing that they could do for him. Today, you would be at the same spot where he died. You can't help but feel anxious. You haven't been back there since he passed.

"Babe, are you ready?" You look up and see Rafe standing in the door way of his room.

"Almost," you quietly said and put in the last earring. Rafe walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"You look beautiful," he said and kissed your cheek. You slightly smiled, but didn't say anything. You always loved midsummers. It was a night full of dancing and having fun with your friends, but this year felt different. And you knew it would be like that from now on.

"Please, don't leave me tonight," you said to Rafe as you turned around to him. He grabbed your hand.

"I won't let go for the entire night," he said and kissed your knuckles.



"Rafe! Y/N! Are you guys done?" Rose yelled at you.

"We're coming!" Rafe yelled back. He looked at you one more time. "Are you sure you want to go? We can stay here and watch a movie or something."

"I'm sure. It's just..."

"I know. I'm here okay." You nodded. You grabbed your purse and then the both of you walked downstairs. Everyone of Rafe's family was already waiting in the hallway.

"Y/N, you look amazing!" Sarah complimented you.

"Thank you. You too." All of you walked over to the cars. You and Rafe took his car, because you couldn't fit in with the rest. Rafe let go of your hand as you got in the car, but as soon as he was in the car again, he grabbed your hand.

It was already crowded when you arrived at midsummers. You said 'hi' to Rafe his friends, you chatted a bit with them and then he took you over to the dance floor. He had his hands on your hip. Your hands were around his neck. You were slowly swinging along to the music.

"You know, he would be so proud of you," Rafe said.


"Because you're here. You took your time to grief and now you're living life for the two of you. I'm proud of you, babe. It's not nothing what you went through and still, you're here. You're here and I couldn't be more proud."

It got a smile on your face, a genuine one this time. You pulled Rafe closer to you and pressed your lips against his. He squeezed your thighs as he kissed you back, sending butterflies all through your body.

"I love you," you said as you pulled back.

"I love you," he said back. You leaned with your head against his chest as you continued dancing.

For the rest of the night, you let everything go for a little bit. You had something to drink, danced with Sarah and some of your friends. Now you were sitting at a table, watching Rafe and his friends dance. He promised not to let go of your hand, but you needed to sit down and he liked the song, so you let him go and to be honest, you were okay. It felt like your brother was closer to you.

"You look beautiful." You turned your head to the side as you heard the familiar voice. And there he was, sitting next to you in the same outfit that he wore last year.

"You're dead," you whispered.

"I am. I am very dead, but I wanted to see my sister." You felt the tears burn in your eyes. "I've been watching over you for the past year. I can't believe that Rafe got off the drugs for you. It's a good thing, because now he's not an total ass." You laughed at your brothers commend.

"Yeah, he's the sweetest ever."

"You look happy."

"It has been hard, but I am. I am happy. I still miss you, though."

"I miss you too, but I will always be here," he said and pointed at his heart. You smiled through your tears. It isn't the first time that you've seen your brother since he died. This is the third time you have talked to him. The first time was in your sleep just a week after he passed away. The second time was when he was gone for about six months. And now, he was here again.

"I love you, sissy. I will always love you," he said.

"I love you too."

"Y/N, are you okay?" you looked up and saw Rafe coming towards you. You turned your head to where your brother just was, but he was gone.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?" Rafe sat down next to you and grabbed your hand.

"I just saw my brother again." You told Rafe about him the first time that he came to you in a dream. The second time you saw him, you were awake and freaked out, but Rafe told you that it was your subconscious talking to you. It wasn't a bad thing, just as long as he didn't show up every day.

"What he did he say?"

"A lot. He's glad I'm happy and that you're clean. You're not a total ass now." Rafe laughed.

"Yeah, that is something he would say." You nodded your head. Rafe wiped away the tears from your cheek.

"But it is good to see you happy." You smiled and kissed Rafe again, before you pulled him on the dance floor with you.

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