Does it ever stop hurting? - John B

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John B's dad went missing. You're there for him, exactly knowing how he feels.

You and John B were laying on his bed in the chateau. His head was resting on your chest as you played with his hair. You had been laying here the entire day. When he called you, telling you what happened, your heart broke and you rushed over to be with him.

"Hey babe. What's going on?" You asked as you picked up the phone. John B wasn't one to call. He would normally show up at your house or he would text you. He rarely called you.

"It's my dad..."

"Did they found him?" You sat up in your bed. It was still early in the morning.

"No, they um... they want me to sign the papers." You knew exactly what that meant.

"I'll be right there."

"Thank you." You hang up the phone, quickly put on some clothes and rushed over to the chateau. John B was sitting on the porch, with his head in his hands. You could see blood on it was you walked closer to him.

"Hey," you said as you sat down next to him. He didn't say anything. He just leaned in and rested his head against your lap. You started to play with his hair.

"They think he's dead. They want me to sign the papers."

"You don't have to do that."

"I'm not going to. Who goes missing at see these days? And especially my dad. It's just not happening. This can't be real." You saw the tears streaming down his face.

"Why don't we lay down on your bed?" He nodded his head. You grabbed his hand and you both laid down on the bed.

You knew exactly how he was feeling. Your dad went missing when you were ten years old. He disappeared at see too. After seven months, your mom signed the papers, declaring he was dead. You were still young, but even now, it felt like your mom gave up way to quick. If she didn't sign the papers, it would still be an open case. What if they did search further and found him? The chance was small, but it could be. So seeing John B going through all of this, you knew how it felt. You knew what is was like to lose a parent. Only it was John B's only parent.

"Does it ever stop hurting?" He slowly whispers.

"No, you just make room for it." You hated to say it, but it was true. The pain would never go away. There were times that you just wanted your dad. You would want him to be at your graduation, your wedding, the first birthday of your kids and so on, but you knew he would never be there and that was pain that would never go away.

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