Paris - Chase Stokes

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You're going to Paris with your boyfriend Chase.

It all started with you scrolling through Instagram and seeing a picture of a random girl in front of the Eiffel tower.

"Babe, why don't we just plan a trip to Paris in October?" You asked your boyfriend Chase. He was now busy filming for a new Netflix show, but he would be done in October. It would be the perfect get away for the two of you.

"Well that's random," he said and sat down next to you on the couch. You showed him the picture.

"Look how beautiful this is! Let's go to Paris." He looked at you. Seeing the big smile on your face he agreed with you.

"Let's to to Paris in October," he said and kissed your cheek.

That's how you ended up in Paris, in front of the Eiffel tower. It looked different then on all the photos you saw on Instagram and Pinterest.

"I don't think that this is the most beautiful place in Paris," Chase mumbles as you both look at the huge symbol of Paris.

"It's way bigger than it seems on social media, but it's not that bad. We should still take a picture of it."

"Typical tourists in Europe," Chase jokes. You laugh and get out your phone. You take a selfie of the two of you in front of the Eiffel Tower. Even for October it's still quite busy. It's not that warm today and they even said it would rain but you didn't care. You came prepared with umbrellas just in case, so you could stay outside all day if you wanted. Chase grabbed your hand and you started to walk down the streets in Paris. You walked along the Seine while holding hands. You talked about anything. It was good to be here in Europe with just him. Him filming the first season of Outer Banks wasn't the best time in your relationship. Yes you had fun and you loved that he was living his dream, but that didn't stop you from feeling jealous seeing him with Madelyn on set or how you wouldn't see him all day. But that was just part of his job. You knew that. You were lucky you went with him to Charleston for those few months, because then you could at least spend your free time together. But being here alone with Chase, was the best ever.

You sat down on a terrace along the Seine. You had a cup of tea and Chase had a coffee. You were enjoying the view and waving at little kids who were on a boat that went by.

"You're so cute," Chase whispered as he leaned in and pressed a kiss on your cheek.

"Have you even seen yourself, handsome man?"

"Well thanks, but you're more cute." You rolled your eyes with a smile, knowing this would go on forever.

"Thank you babe," you smiled and pressed your lips against his.

"Gosh, Paris makes me love you even more," he whispers against your lips.

"Well they say it's the city of love."

"It definitely is."

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