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This chapter is the introduction to Elarinya, a bit of the story of her past to understand her character better. If you wish to proceed right away to the actual history with Legolas, please read the next chapter.

By the 25th day of march of the year 3019, at the southern parts of Middle Earth, the One Ring was destroyed. 

At the same time, two girls rested by the side of a small brook on the North, a short distance after where the river Langwell meets the river Langflood. Like most people of the North, they were unaware of the motive to the great battles that happened South, on the kingdoms of Rohan and Gondor. However, they were not free of danger, as small hordes of orcs had started to stumble across their village for the past year. 

"Alright girls, time to get back home," a man approaches, wearing a Gondorian armor and a sword on its sheath "It will be dark soon." 

The younger girl, a seemingly young teenager with brown eyes and brown coppery hair caught in a braid, smiles as she presented him two fishes "Rejoice father! I have caught dinner!" 

"She also fell three times," the older girl adds, almost an adult but still with the red blemishes of late teenage years on her face, her long chestnut brown hair loose, a bow and quiver on her back. She smiles roguishly at the man "If it was a strong river instead of a brook, she would already be in Mirkwood with our dinner." 

The younger girl huffs and the father laughs. They start heading west, towards their house, with the youngest on the front, the older sister walking side by side with their father. He speaks quietly "Thank you for distracting your sister for a while, Elarinya." 

Elarinya smiles kindly "It's alright. No orcs attacked while we were away?" 

"Fortunately no, but we are preparing the village." 

"I've heard some women commenting we would be safer South, back in Denethor's guard. I doubt that would be the case."

The father looks at her "If we are being attacked up here, believe me, there must be war near Mordor. Few news arrive, but I've been told Rohan was attacked heavily." 

"It is strange to see so many orcs up here. Do you think they want to attack Mirkwood?" 

The man shook his shoulders "Perhaps. Not up here, I would guess. Maybe the southern parts of the woods. The Woodland elves will deal with them, I'm sure," the father looks at her suspiciously "You have not tried to go through the Forest Gate again, have you? Ela, you know perfectly well those woods are enchanted, not to mention the spiders. No human can enter there."

Elarinya sighs "Don't worry father, I haven't tried to go there ever since the orcs appeared." 

"Then perhaps we should have orcs attacking more frequently."

Elarinya laughs and rests her hand over her father's shoulder "I love you very much, father. No need to worry about me so often, I'm not insane, and I can defend myself."

"Insanity does not fit you, but your curiosity will get you in trouble for the rest of your life."

The family keeps walking, the younger girl soon entering the soft and humorous family bickering. They reach their village before dark, and start to prepare dinner after the girls kiss their mother. The night continues softly, the crickets and the river sing them to sleep. It is their last peaceful night before the attacks become frequent. 

At dawn of April 6th, at the aftermath of the previous day attack, one of the villagers rides back to their home and announces at least two hundred orcs escaped the armies of the elves on the south and are now headed north. By the route, they will be in the village by noon.

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