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After the week, they walk out of the woods the same way they entered, but this time no one gets lost as all elves leave the palace. The armies are already arriving to the fields and placing south of the Forest Gate, all warriors of Mirkwood go join them. 

It's a multitude like Elarinya had never seen. Gondor, Rohan, Ithilien. The Woodland Realm, Dale. The dwarves of the Iron Hills, Erebor, Gliterring Caves, Moria. There are still no orcs at sight, but the dwarves from Erebor and a Mirkwood scout affirm there was smoke and agitation on the west, where Gundabad stays. They were preparing to move. 

The tents are set, the following day the battle should begin. Far behind the battlefield stay the healers, Athelas included, preparing for anyone who arrives. She comes to visit her sister, intends to stay the night with her before they fight. 

In the afternoon, as the kings and lords reunite to settle the last details of the attack, a soldier comes as slight turmoil rises among the soldiers "My lords, various mercenaries have arrived. They assure none has ill intents and that their leader is here, though they have started insulting and threatening some of the guards."

Everyone looks at Elarinya, she quirks her eyebrows "I've sent some letters. They are most certainly here to help us."

Elarinya walks rapidly, her friends following with curiosity, and soon they reach the fight and the half hundred mercenaries that are around, either trying to stop it, betting on it or encouraging it. It's a tall slender mercenary against a Rohirrim. Elarinya sighs, puts her fingers to her mouth and whistles very loudly, gathering everyone's attention. The fight stops right away, the mercenary letting the Rohirrim go.

A brute approaches. He is as tall as a mountain and his muscled arms seem made of rocks, he is bigger than Thranduil. Every inch of his skin has a scar and he walks towards her. His voice is so deep one could think it came from the entrails of the earth "Umbra."

"Mountain," of course the name suits him, being as strong and tall as one. 

A grin slowly grows on his face, his laughter sounds like thunder booming in the sky. He grabs her and gives her a tight hug, lifting her from the ground. Her friends can hear her joints cracking in the process. When Elarinya is put down, she rolls her neck and shakes her shoulders, clearly discomfortable from the smashing. He speaks "We have read your letters. We come to fight with you."

She smiles kindly "There is no big reward for this, Mountain. In the worst case we all pay with our lives."

"These are our lands, it's our home. We won't find more jobs if everyone is dead," Mountain says, making Elarinya chuckle as she shakes her head "Besides, if you fight this one it's because it must be fought. We are willing to follow you."

Elarinya's heart swells, she didn't know she was trusted like this. She extends her hand and they grab each other's elbows, the warrior's greeting. She says solemnly "Thank you."

"However," he speaks teasingly "If there is a chance after this we could be paid with ale."

Elarinya smiles "It will be arranged, you have my word."

All mercenaries cheer and greet Elarinya in turns. Faramir offers to put them aware of the strategy and they all listen respectfully. 

Éowyn and Gimli steal her for a while. The lady speaks "I hope you do not expect to fight dressed like that."

"Aye, lassie. Your skin is paper to those weapons." 

"I do not enjoy armors much," Elarinya comments "They are large and block my movements-"

She is interrupted as each of them hands her a gift. Éowyn holds a light breastplate, smaller and adapted to a woman's curves, while Gimli has a sleeved chainmail made of Mithril. Éowyn smiles "Good armor can protect many wounds. And we must stay together, care and protect each other," Éowyn says with the complicity of a woman.

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